- > Monuments France
- > Bourgogne
- > Côte-d'Or
- > Marmagne
- > Abbaye de fontenay
Abbaye de Fontenay
The Abbey of Fontenay located in Marmagne was founded in 1118 by Saint Bernard. For over eight centuries, it was not damaged, and all could admire its beautiful architecture in the Romanesque style. This abbey is one of the oldest Cistercian buildings in Europe.
Since 1981, the Abbey of Fontenay is listed by UNESCO. The many rooms have survived the ravages of time, except the dining hall who was destroyed. Thus, it is possible to see the church, the chapter house, cloister, the forge, and many other items.
Abbey attracts many visitors who come to admire its splendor, but also attend various cultural events in summer, such as concerts or plays. It's been four years that is also possible to walk through its beautiful gardens, which were restructured by Peter Holmes, a landscape architect, and thus offers a resplendent green space.
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Opening hours
Open daily:
- From 08/11 to 15/04 from 10am to 12pm and from 14h to 17h
- From 16/04 to 7 / 11 from 10 to 18
- Thursday 11/11 to Sunday, 14/11, the abbey will be open continuously from 10 to 18.
Full price: 10,00 €
Under 26 years : € 7.00
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- 4 Monuments