Topic | Sciences and discovery |
Departure | MONTBARD (21) |
Details | Montbard is a commune located in the Côte-d'Or department that is part of the Burgundy region. |
The city of Montbard

Montbard is located in the north-west of Dijon, the river Brenne and the 'Canal de Bourgogne' flows through the city. Montbard's train station receive the TGV Paris-Dijon, which links Montbard to Paris in only one hour.
Accommodation nearby
Monuments in Montbard

Things to see in Montbard include:
- The Park with the Aubépin tower, The Saint-Louis tower, the 'Grille Monumentale and the Saint Urs church
- The Orangerie, which is the Buffon Museum
- The 'petit Fontenet'
- The hotel Buffon
- The Daubenton mansion
- The Jean-Andoche Junot mansion
- The 'Jacquemard'
- The 'Pavillon de la Compagnie des Arquebusiers'
- The fine art Museum
Accommodation nearby

A guide containing 4 walking and rambling itineraries worth a total of 200 km footpaths is available at the Office of Tourism for 2 euros.
This guide will lead you to the countryside around Montbard and will make you discover places such as the Abbey of Fontenay or the Grande Forge of Buffon.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news on : Montbard
Tourism near

- 4 Monuments

Sites and museums

Information within a radius of 30 km