3 cities of holidays in the north

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureBOUSIES (59)
DetailsBousies - valenciennois - villers-outréaux are the three cities that are situated in the department of the north and the region nord-pas-de-calais. Come there to visit these three beautiful cities.
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Discover the museum of the evolutions in Bousies


This is a fantastic walk (300M² of discoveries) through a fossilorama of the origin of the life on Earth, until the arrival of the Man and all its creativity during the civilizations, neolithic of modern life. During the month of July - Aout the visitors will be able to see the garden of Simples "medicinal, aromatic plants" that takes all sound charms in exterior.

During the period of July Aout the children will discover the rooms in company of a discovered game that the will accompany all alongside the visit. A walk circuit through the Voyettes will do you découvvrir our town growing green avesnois and these oratorical ones. The church of Bousies is to discover for the persons that desire to admire its remarkable relics "Gift of the Pope InnocentXI" to our paroise.

Openings: Tuesday to the Saturday of 14h18h Sunday Monday and Morning on RDV.

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Church Saint-Matin in Villers-Outréaux


Church Saint-Matin is a famous site that attracts many visitors. Come there to discover the previous choir.

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Commented visit in Valenciennes


Commented visits by a guide lecturer are proposed throughout the year in the cities and towns of the Valenciennois. For the summer 2009, the Office of Tourism offers you the occasion of multiples ruptures with your daily one: the one of the work but also the one of your habitual environment... Walks on bicycle, in tram or tractor, "noon visits" or again "spedd dating heritage", are as much renewed combinations between you, our territory and activities. Take advantage in to discover or rediscover the wealths of the Valenciennois or simply to forget the frantic rhythm of the week... Brief, you leave therefore to guide and come to live in our company, the experience of a different Tourism.

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Free visit in Valenciennes


The heart of Valenciennes almost completely was destroyed by a gigantic fire at the time of the Second World War and rebuilds during the years 1950-1960 in a style allying the concrete, the brick and the rock. Many streets and houses prewar period exist in periphery, around the churches Our Lady, Holy Géry and close to the place of the Neufbourg. The fortifications were dismantled in 1889, their trace exists in the boulevard belt.

One can see the following monuments:

  • The facade of the town hall
  • The church Saint Géry
  • The Spanish house
  • The library of the Jesuits
  • The museum of fine arts
  • The tower of the Dodenne

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