- > Museums France
- > Nord-Pas-de-Calais
- > Nord
- > Bellignies
- > Musée du marbre et de la pierre bleue de bellignies
Musée du marbre et de la pierre bleue de Bellignies
Created in 1979 in the heart of the Hogneau Valley, the museum offers Bellignies relive the epic of the marble industry and know everything about the operation of quarries Avesnoises nineteenth century to the present.
It features a beautiful collection of fireplaces, clocks or sculptures ... There are also many old documents ( payslips , account books , diplomas etc ...).
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onMusée du marbre et de la pierre bleue de Bellignies
Opening hours
From March 1st to November 30th
2pm to 6pm from Tuesday to Sunday.
Closed Mondays and 1st November .
Closed from December to February.
€ 2.50 / person
€ 2.00 for groups of 15 persons (by reservation)
Tourism near

- 2 Museum

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sites and museums

Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km