Discover a renowned seaside town of capbreton

DepartureCAPBRETON (40)

Capbreton is located in the Landes department in the Aquitaine region.

It used to be a very busy fishing harbour (fishermen used to go up to NewFound Land), it is now a marina and a renowned seaside town.

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Discovery tours in the city


Two auto-guided tours of about 1.30 hour departing from the the Office of Tourism to discover Capbreton, whether the 'Between the port and the Ocean' or the 'Cap sur la ville' one.

Leaflet available at the office of tourism. Opening hours: 01/01/2009 to 31/12/2009

Accommodation nearby

The vineyards in Capbreton


The 'La Pointe' vineyard, is located on the sand Dunes in the south of the city, hence its name 'Vin de Sable' or 'Sand Wine' in English.

To visit the vineyards and to taste its wines, take the departmental road in the south of Capbreton in the direction of Labenne, then exit at Capbreton, in the 'Quartier La Pointe' follow the direction board 'Vin de Sable'.

Accommodation nearby

The Estacade


Built under Napoleon III during 1858, it used to be 400 meters long. it was then enhanced of 50 m and surmounted with a light house in 1948 that could be seen 14 miles away in 1950. today, l'Estacade is only 189m 60 long.

Accommodation nearby

House of the Rey


Walk along the pedestrian streets and admire the half timbered houses, you will reach the Maison du Rey. Henri IV, alors roi de Navarre came several time in Capbreton (a letter from him is kept in the Town Hall). He knew the old houses of the main street and together with the Prince of Condé was hosted by the sieur of Ponteils o-in the House of Rey in 1538.

Accommodation nearby

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