
TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureARGELES-GAZOST (65)

Argelès-Gazost is a french common, located in the department of the Hautes-Pyrénées, which it is a sub-prefecture, and the Midi-Pyrenees area. Its inhabitants are called Argelésiens.

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Discover Argelès-Gazost


Argelès-Gazost is the ideal starting point to take time to discover the Pyrenean solid mass. Doors with the Circus of Gavarnie (entered of the National park), of the 6 ski stations to the Collars of Aubisque and Toumalet, the Lake Gaube in the Bridge of Spain… the prestigious sites are very close.

Vacation appreciated resort, the thermal City of Argelès-Gazost enjoys from an architecture marked by the English presence: Thermal park of the English of the XIXth century, vestiges, casino steamer…

Accommodation nearby

hotel-restaurant-du-soleil-levant argeles-gazost

Hôtel Restaurant du Soleil Levant

  • Argeles-gazost
  • 05 62 97 08 68
villa-la-colombiere lourdes

Villa La Colombière

  • Lourdes
  • 05 62 94 39 35
chalet-saint-louis lourdes

Chalet Saint Louis

  • Lourdes
  • 05 62 94 03 89
domaine-de-pyrene-3 cauterets

Domaine de Pyrène, 3*

  • Cauterets
  • 05 62 92 12 12

Argelès-Gazost, ground of the anture

  • Grounds of walks and discovery, awake your directions. Observe, feel, touch this exceptional nature. Plunge in extreme feelings of softness or giddiness.
  • Body suspended, immersed, projected… live new feelings. The water, the air, the ground will be your guides.
  • Perfect balance of the three worlds, the human, the animal and the plant, vibrate by discovering the heart of the Valley of Argelès-Gazost.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-restaurant-du-soleil-levant argeles-gazost

Hôtel Restaurant du Soleil Levant

  • Argeles-gazost
  • 05 62 97 08 68
villa-la-colombiere lourdes

Villa La Colombière

  • Lourdes
  • 05 62 94 39 35
chalet-saint-louis lourdes

Chalet Saint Louis

  • Lourdes
  • 05 62 94 03 89
domaine-de-pyrene-3 cauterets

Domaine de Pyrène, 3*

  • Cauterets
  • 05 62 92 12 12

The hydrotherapy Argelès-Gazost


Benefits of the ground, choose a natural drug, the mineral water. The body is impregnated, drunk, bathed in this sodic chloro-sulphuretted water.

The cure at a watering-place even addresses at the same time to pathology she and to the patient in her globality. It constitutes a medical real alternative, very adapted for people insufficiently relieved by medicamentous treatments, particularly in the case of chronic diseases.

Two therapeutic indications catches of load by the Health insurances are treated in Argelès-Gazost

  • Phlebology
  • Diseases of the respiratory tracts

Accommodation nearby

hotel-restaurant-du-soleil-levant argeles-gazost

Hôtel Restaurant du Soleil Levant

  • Argeles-gazost
  • 05 62 97 08 68
villa-la-colombiere lourdes

Villa La Colombière

  • Lourdes
  • 05 62 94 39 35
chalet-saint-louis lourdes

Chalet Saint Louis

  • Lourdes
  • 05 62 94 03 89
domaine-de-pyrene-3 cauterets

Domaine de Pyrène, 3*

  • Cauterets
  • 05 62 92 12 12

Latest news on : Argelès-Gazost
