- > Tours
- > Picardie
- > Oise
- > Pierrefonds
- > Pierrefonds
Topic | Sciences and discovery |
Departure | PIERREFONDS (60) |
Details | Pierrefonds is located in south-eastern edge of the forest of Compiegne on the Ru of Bern. The commune is located at approximately 80 km in the North-East of Paris and at 15 km in the east of Compiegne. |
Latest news on : Pierrefonds
Tourism near

- 6 Museum
- 3 Monuments
Musée de la Figurine Historique
Musée Alexandre Dumas
Cité des bateliers
Le musée franco-américain du Château de Blérancourt
Le musée Jean Calvin
Musée du Noyonnais

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km