- > Monuments France
- > Picardie
- > Aisne
- > Longpont
- > Abbaye notre-dame
Abbaye Notre-Dame
The Abbey of Our Lady of Longpont is an old ruined abbey on Savière to Longpont. It was founded in 1131 by Bernard of Clairvaux at the request of Josselin Vierzy.
The abbey was listed as a historic monument since 1889. The Gothic abbey church was built in the early thirteenth century, between 1192 and 1227, when it was consecrated in the presence of the King of France St. Louis. It was destroyed after the departure of the monks in the French Revolution, until redemption of the ruins in 1804 by Count Henri de Montesquiou, whose descendants continue to maintain today the remains of the former monastic buildings.
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Individual: 7 € per person.
groups: 5 € per person.
Opening hours
Hours open
11h to 12h and from 14h30 to 18h30 Saturday, Sunday and holiday from 15 March to 31 October.
Tourism near

- 3 Museum
- 3 Monuments