Welcome to méru

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureMERU (60)

The city is located in the Country of Thelle, at 50 kilometers in the North of the capital. The commune is bordering on Andeville, Esches, Amblainville, Saint-Crepin-Ibouvillers, Villeneuve-the-Fine sands, Corbeil-Stag, Crèvecœur. The Esches takes its source in Méru supplied with the Ru of Méru.

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Discover Méru


Located in the South-west of Oise, the first traces of human establishments on the territory of Méru goes up at the time Gallo-Roman.

Its moyenageux past, remains the Tower of Conti recently released and rehabilitated.

The history of Méru is closely related to the tablettery and the button manufacture of mother-of-pearl, recalled in a dynamic way in its Museum labellized " Museum of France". Footbridge with the Ile de France whose proximity is reinforced by the existing communication networks, Méru attracts for its framework of pleasant life which is worth the qualifier of " to it; City with the campagne". Privileged environment but also will to preserve it. For several years, the City has shown its interest for this question. It posts today resolutely Green Ville by systematically integrating the question of the environment in its reflexions and actions.

Accommodation nearby

camping-du-bois-joli henonville

Camping du Bois Joli

  • Henonville
  • 03 44 49 87 92

The monuments in à Méru


Come to discover there the tourist places and the monuments in Méru

  • Church Lucien Saint of XIIe century rebuilt in XVIe century and partially XVIIe century. Part of its furniture is classified with the additional inventory of the historic buildings: several statues, the low-reliefs, the file of the Churchwarden's pew.
  • Church of the virgin of XIII century in Lardières.
  • The tower of Conti: only vestige of the castle of Méru set fire in 1751.
  • Museum of Mother-of-pearl and Tabletterie

Accommodation nearby

camping-du-bois-joli henonville

Camping du Bois Joli

  • Henonville
  • 03 44 49 87 92

Hike in Méru

miniature miniature miniature miniature
  • Alley of the Marchioness

This timbered alley, was designed about 1900 per Henri and Achille Duchêne, landscape gardeners recognized (restoration of the gardens of Be worth-the-Viscount). It extends from Méru to the Field of Sandricourt (in Amblainville). It is the object, still today, of a repair. Plantations of various gasolines of trees are in hand (fir trees, cedar).

  • Forest of Boulaines

Ideal for your walks in family, your hiking and VTT.

  • The Park of the City

In family, you will be able to practise the Basketball, Handball or game of bowls. Schedules of opening: every day of 7:30 to 20:00 the Park of the City celebrated its 100 years

  • Stroll around Ru

Path at the edge of Ru Of a length of approximately 25 km, its source with Lardières to Persan Oise, Esches has a very pure water and is classified " river of fishing 1st category. With its source, it is fed by the Ru of Méru. It shelters trouts and its vegetation is preserved to support the nesting of ducks.

Accommodation nearby

camping-du-bois-joli henonville

Camping du Bois Joli

  • Henonville
  • 03 44 49 87 92

Hikes and VTT around Méru

  • Around Amblainville

Length of the course: 10km approximately.

From Amblainville, discover a square tower of XIV century, an old priory of the Trinity.

  • Amblainville, Berville, Arronville

Length of the course: 11km approximately.

From Amblainville, join Berville and its imposing Eglise Saint-Denis, then Arronville where lived the Journalist and resistant Emmanuel d' Astier of Vigerie.

  • Anserville, Fosseuse

Length of the course: 8km approximately.
From Anserville, its Church of XIV century and its castle of XVIII, you will take the road of Fosseuse. You will be able to see there his castle, built by the family of Montmorency to XVI century. While returning towards Anserville, the locality " Vignes" product one of the best white wines of Picardy.

  • Bornel, Beautiful-Church

Length of the course: 15km approximately.

From Bornel, you direct towards Beautiful-Church while borrowing feels it along the Esches river. By joining the hamlet of Landrimont, you will be able to see splendid pigeon.

  • Hénonville, Cresnes

Length of the course: 11km approximately.

From the castle of Henonville, rebuilt in 1554, you will leave in direction Cresnes. You will be able to discover two menhirs: " Pierre in Coqs" and " Pierre Frite".

Accommodation nearby

camping-du-bois-joli henonville

Camping du Bois Joli

  • Henonville
  • 03 44 49 87 92

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