Caudry city

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureCAUDRY (59)

Caudry is located in the district of Cambric and the canton of Clary. The city also belongs to the Community of communes of Caudrésis - Catésis.

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Caudry, city of the lace


09:30: Our guide makes you discover the inheritance related to the industry lacemaker: old factories, houses of Master, dwellings of the workmen… One or two site (S) major (S), the room of the marriages of the town hall and/or the basilica Sainte Maxellende will open their doors during your course to you.

11:00: Place of Mantilles, the space historical life makes you replonger in Caudry of the beginning XX century thanks to the reconstitution of a commercial street.

12:30: To lunch in a restaurant caudrésien, drinks comprises.

14:30: Place of Mantilles, the Caudrésien museum of laces and embroideries, installed in an old lace and tulle factory. A former tulle maker presents to you all the stages of this know-how universally recognized.

16:00: In a restaurant caudrésien. Taste " innate tiot cup ed' juice worse in morcé ed' tart with chuque or the libouli".

17:00: End of the service.

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City tour of Caudry


Caudry, quoted lacemaker for two centuries, manufactured the most beautiful laces intended for the dress Haute couture. The city presents an original inheritance, testifying to its formidable expansion related to the arrival of the trades of lace and embroidery mechanics. You will discover one of the major sites of the city: the town hall or the Sainte-Maxellende* basilica.

* According to the availabilities.

Duration: 1:30 (1 stop)

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Guided visit in the meseum


The Museum is located in an old lace factory dating from the 19th century. The Museum presents to the visitor the know-how and the manufacture of lace like the exposure of the moment.

At the ground floor: in addition to a video recalling the history of the industry lacemaker, the visitor will be able to see and understand the mysterious alchemy of the trade leavers thanks to a workman tulle maker.

Upstairs: Presentation of the end products.

At the exit of your visit, the shop of the museum welcomes you. Many lace leavers articles, embroidery or point lace: tablecloths, bijous of creators, stoles, mats, curtains or walks on of table to the meter… without forgetting small the riens which give pleasure by their originality: pins, dance cards, pens, postcards, mark-pages, books….

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Base Leisures of the Valley of Riot


A recreation park of 12 ha reconciling tradition and modernity, in the middle of Caudry.

Three artificial lake (possibility of fishing), an animalist park, spaces of plays and leisures (shooting with the arc, balk, javelin, bowling of outdoor, beach-volleyball, climbing, plays for children), stroll with ponies, initiation with canoé kayak…

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