Bondues city

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureBONDUES (59)

Bondues is located in the department of North (59) and the Nord-Pas-de-Calais area. Its inhabitants are called Bonduois. The Flemish patronym of Bondues is Bonduwe.

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Visit Bondues city


You walk in the detour of its streets, Bondues insufflates us a true feeling of quietude. A site becomes marked with history and of modernity.

If the first mentions of the city go back to XI century, Bondues owes the development as we know it today, with the industrialists of the Metropolis. The latter, concerned of the wellbeing of their frameworks, propose in the Sixties, the creation of many residential allotments. Which gave to Bondues its village character, offering today still the calme and the air of the countryside, with two steps of the city.

Industrialists, Bondues also preserves these splendid residences, like the Castle of Green-Wood. Property of the Family Prouvost, this listed monument offers to see an important earthenware collection, Napoleonean memories as well as a remarkable mineral collection.

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The Museum of the Resistance of Bondues


The Fort of Bondues is originally a fortification built for the defense of Lille after the war of 1870. Used as place of execution by the Nazis in 1943 and 1944, the latter will destroy it before their retirement.

After the discovery of tombs of resistant shot on the spot, the Fort became a place of memory with its " Sacrée" court; , its museum and its casemates.

The Museum of the Resistance of Bondues points out what was the spirit of resistance in our area by means of documents of the time, the photographs, reconstituted scenes and testimonys.

The visitor is invited to understand the various stages which lead the citizen towards resistance, and sometimes until the sacrifice of his life.

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Guides visits of the catle of Vert-Bois


The visits are ensured by Miss Nadine Rogeaux, Histoirian of the art, Sundays of July and August at 15:30 and 17:00 and the occasion of the days of the Inheritance. The current Castle dates from the XVII and XVIIIe.

In 1666 Druon de Wazières bought the field.

Two centuries later, in 1869, Green-Wood enters the family Prouvost (Large wool industrialist).

Until tosay, the Castle shelters a beautiful decoration of pieces of furniture and tables XVIII, each generation having a great love of decorative Arts.

A charming Jardin of Priest finishes the visit.

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