- > Parks France
- > Bourgogne
- > Saône-et-Loire
- > Toulon-sur-arroux
- > Diverti'parc
Entertained Park leisure park of a new kind.
Hactaresde 12 games in nature to solve "the riddle of the park."
Pass'Roulotte for Diverti'Parc given upon arrival: € 8.40 per person. per day or € 15 per person. for weekend or week (depending on the days unlimited access and opening hours to the public) http://www.divertiparc.com/parcloisirs/inde
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onDiverti'Parc
UNIQUE PRICE: 9,30 € / pers.
REDUCED PRICE: 8,40 € / pers.
Under 3 years free
School group / leisure center: € 6.60 per person (min. 20 pers.)
Adult group / association / EC: € 7.90 per person (min. 20 pers.)
Diverti'PASS Annual: € 22.30 per person (unlimited access to the park from April 7 to November 7, 2012)
Rando-Discovery "Mazes and cows" with a host reservation
Tourism near

- 2 Museum
- 1 Monuments

Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km