Parc Astérix

Parc Astérix is the second most visited theme park in France, with nearly 2 million visitors each year whereas the park is only open during summer. The complex Parc Astérix includes the theme park and a hotel. The park was inspired by the comic books "Astérix le Gaulois" created by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo. The park embodies the French cultural exception. Located in Plailly in the department of Oise about 20 miles from Paris, Parc Astérix is best known in France and Belgium for its wide variety of roller coasters, with 6 in total for all ages, including "Tonnerre de Zeus" and "Goudurix”.

Parc Astérix also offers numerous courses on water and attractions divided into six theme worlds in relation with the universe of the adventures of Astérix and Obélix comic books. More surprisingly, a village of artisans and skill and dexterity games allow learning by doing and challenging with friends, an area called "La Gaule" is a reenactment of the famous Gallic village seen in the comics and a show of dolphins and sea lions in the "théâtre de Poséidon" is also offered daily.

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