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- > Bourgogne
- > Saône-et-Loire
- > Romaneche-thorins
- > Le hameau dubœuf
Le hameau Dubœuf
Pioneer of wine, the Hameau Duboeuf is a spectacular theme park around the vine and wine. About 30,000 m2 and four main sites, reveals a playful way everything vine and wine are our heritage: the nature, happiness, culture, science, history, labor ...
Le Hameau du Vin offers a wealth of arts and crafts, dreams and imagination. A unique collection of rare objects, unusual sights, a wonderful and entertaining journey through the business of the vine and wine, not to mention the time tasting ... Between culture and entertainment, let you tell this beautiful human history.
The Station Wine invites you to the heart of the mythical axis of wine Transportation: Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée. In the authentic station Romanèche-Thorins discover a world dedicated to the life of the railways. Return to your childhood with the beautiful miniature circuits and relive the special atmosphere of old docks.
The center of winemaking
You are at the heart of business of wine production. The winemaking technique you his secrets in this space that combines advanced technology and respect for tradition. In the quiet of the winery, the 150 stainless steel tanks, so you will understand at once playful and scientific processes of winemaking expertise. The panoramic terrace offers an exceptional view of the hills of Beaujolais.
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Opening hours
Hameau Duboeuf is open year round, 7 days 7 from 10am to 18pm.
The shop is open year round, 7 days 7 from 8 to 19h.
The Garden Beaujolais and Adventure Golf is open from April 1st to October 31st, 7 days 7 from 11am to 18pm.
Adule : 19 euros
Child: 10 euros
Tourism near

- 2 Museum
- 4 Monuments