La Maison de la Baie du Marais poitevin

The Maison de la Baie du Marais Poitevin is in Esnandes .

Transferred in 2004 to more spacious premises , the House of the Bay of Marais Poitevin has the Museum of Mussel . This museum offers a glimpse into the history of the mold in the region, and the husbandry techniques . Visitors can discover a particular movie on the big screen. The House of the Marsh Bay also includes the fortified church St. Martin and Educational plaice .

Accommodation nearby

41 € From
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Camping Le Beaulieu

  • Puilboreau
  • 05 46 68 04 38
13.2 € From
camping-la-dive saint-michel-en-l-herm

Camping la Dive

  • Saint-michel-en-l'herm
  • 02 51 30 26 94
90 € From
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Hôtel les Vignes de la Chapelle

  • Sainte-marie-de-re
  • 05 46 30 20 30

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