- > Monuments France
- > Basse-Normandie
- > Orne
- > Carrouges
- > Château de carrouges
Château de Carrouges
The elegant castle of Carrouges, built between the XIV and the XVII century, went through seven centuries of history. Its characteristic is to possess large moat surrounding the building and pink facades of brick and granite, the apartments also retain the attractiveness of an inhabited residence.
A place that keeps all its charm and authenticity by combining beautifully harshness of a medieval fortress, the charm of the Renaissance and the distinction of the classical period. In addition to its charming tower inside the building also has rooms with splendid pageantry. The furniture does not lack interest, too, with its woodwork and metalwork and sculptures. The building remained in the same family from the Renaissance to 1936, the castle later became the property of the state.
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Opening hours
Open daily :
1 April to 15 june and 1 september 30, 10h to 12h and 14h to 18h
16 june to 31 august, 9:30 to 12 and 14h to 18h30
October 1 to march 31, 10h to 12h and 14h to 17h
Closed :
On 1 january, 1 may, 1 and 11 november, december 25
Full price : 7 €
Reduced price : 4,50 €
Adult groups : 5,50 € (from 20 persons)
School groups : 30 € (35 people maximum)
Free :
Under 18 (accompanied by an adult)
18-25 years (nationals of 27 countries of the European Union and non-European residents regularly on French territory)
Disabled person and their companion
Tourism near

- 3 Monuments