- > Tourism France
- > Franche-Comté
- > Jura
- > Dole
Tourism Dole
Dole, in the region of Franche-Comte, is the most populous city of the department of Jura. This city is classified City of Art and History. It has, since 1993, a protected area of 116 ha.
The heritage of Dole is offered to visitors through typical streets of the old town with its houses of the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. They will also have the opportunity to admire its Collegiate Church of Notre Dame. Dole is the home of many monuments registered as historical monuments.
They can take many remarkable steps that will lead them in a tourist area called Little Venice.
Sight of Dole
- Notre Dame Collegiate Dole
- Old Town Hall
- Old Hotel Dieu
- Urban speaker
- Louis Paster House
- Museum of Fine Arts
Discover the Jura department
- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Dole
- Durée : 4 jours
Discover the cities in the Jura department.

- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Auxonne
- Durée : 3 jours
Auxonne is a commnune located in the Côte-d'Or department in the Burgundy region.

- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Saint-jean-de-losne
- Durée : 4 jours
Saint-Jean-de-Losne is a commune located in the Côte-d'Or department and the Burgundy region.

- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Pesmes
- Durée : 2 jours
Pesmes is situated in the department of the Haute-Saône and the region Franche-Comté.