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- > Auvergne
- > Allier
- > Villeneuve-sur-allier
Tourism Villeneuve-sur-Allier
Villeneuve sur Allier is a French commune, located in the department of Allier and the Auvergne region.
Sights in Villeneuve-sur-Allier
- Château du Riau
- Church of the early
Museums and monuments to visit
Chapelle de la VisitationChapel of the Visitation was built in the XVII century. It now houses the mausoleum of Duc Henri II de Montmorency, beheaded at Toulouse in 1632. Its painted ceiling is dedicated to the glorification ...
Cathédrale Notre-DameThe Cathedral of Moulins was built in the fifteenth century. Originally, there was a ducal chapel which was erected in an collegiate church at the request of Louis II. Flamboyant style, the cathedral ...
La Maison MantinAdjacent to the museum Anne de Beaujeu, the House Mantin, "specimen of a bourgeois home of the 19th" was closed to the public for nearly a century. After months of work and restoration, it ...
Musée de l'Illustration JeunesseMuseum of the illustration installed in a former hotel, built in 1750 and registered as an historic monument, is dedicated to the illustration of books for children, 50 years ago to the present. Open ...
Centre National du Costume de scène et de la ScenographieThe CNCS is a museum whose mission is to preserve the material heritage of theaters. This is the first structure of this kind in France or in Europe. The CNCS needs to conserve, restore and enhance ...
Musée du bâtimentThe musée du Bâtiment is unique in France, located in a beautiful half-timbered house dating from the eighteenth century which hosted the Compagnons du Devoir. The muse du Bâtiment ...
Musée de la VisitationThe museum is housed in a buildings style of the XV and XVII centuries, it can help you to discover the artistic heritage of the "Ordre de la Visitation". It is composed of works of art from ...
Citevolution la ville à votre échelleThe museum is located in hotel Demoret and presents a major exhibition of models and plans reliefs, to understand the history of the city.
Musée du Pays de Souvigny et de la colonne du ZodiaqueMuseum housed in the old barns of a monastic priory. It focuses on the archaeological heritage, architectural and ethnological surrounding farmland.

- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Moulins
- Durée : 7 jours
Capital of the Dukes of Bourbon, Moulins is a city of art and history having more than 1,000 year of history.

Discover the Allier department
- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Yzeure
- Durée : 5 jours
Discover the cities of the Allier department

Tourism in Yzeure
- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Yzeure
- Durée : 4 jours
Located in the area of 'Sologne Bourbonnaise', Yzeure is the town where Anne de Beaujeu lived, she was also called 'Anne of France' as she was the daughter of King Louis XI.

Tourism in Bourbon l'Archambault
- Thème : Sites and museums
- Départ : Bourbon-l'archambault
- Durée : 4 jours
In the heart of the Bourbon countryside, between Moulins and the forest of Tronçais, Bourbon-l'Archambault has a prestigious history (The court of King Louis XIV, Talleyrand, Saint-Saens), and has a medieval fortress.