Tourism Caudebec-en-Caux

Caudebec-en-Caux is situated in the department of the Seine-Maritime and the region Haute-Normandie.


  • Church Notre-Dame of the 15th and 16th centuries
  • Towers of Harfleur and the Fascinate (medieval fortifications)
  • House said "templars" (12th and 13th centuries)
  • Former prison of the 14th century.

A week-end to discover Rouen

  • Thème : Sciences and discovery
  • Départ : Rouen
  • Durée : 2 jours

During a weekend, you actually visit the town of Rouen. Prefecture of the Seine-Maritime, Rouen is the closest to Paris regional capital.

Day 1 : Rouen Day 2 : Rouen


  • Thème : Sciences and discovery
  • Départ : Caudebec-en-caux
  • Durée : 4 jours

Caudebec-en-Caux is located in the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute-Normandie region.

the-marshes-of-caudebec-en-caux medieval-circuit the-impressionists-tour forest-of-trait-maulevrier

The royal justice tour (cycling)

This cycling track will lead you around Yvetot countryside.

ecretteville-les-baons the-val-au-cesne-valley


Duclair is a commune located in the department of Seine-Maritime in the Haute-Normandie region.

duclair visit-the-archipelago-of-eaux-melees visit-the-chateau-du-taillis
Voir plus de circuits
90 € From
auberge-de-la-durdent hericourt-en-caux

Auberge de la Durdent

  • Hericourt-en-caux
  • 09 83 69 40 05

Hébergements à Caudebec-en-caux

Restaurants à Caudebec-en-caux