
TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureFISMES (51)

Fismes is a city border of the various ways. This is the border between Champagne-Ardenne and Picardie, between nature and city, and last step of the way to Reims for the Prince's coronation.

The earthenware museum of Fismes


Situated on the 1st floor of the Tourism Office of Fismes, you will discover the city history, the church, monuments and industrial heritage. You will see superb pieces of earthenware of Fismes dating back from the end of the 19th century and a gallery showing fossils.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-du-chemin-des-dames corbeny

Hôtel du Chemin des Dames

  • Corbeny
  • 03 23 23 95 70

The attic of Saint-Honoré


Commonly called Museum of bread. From corn to bread, come to visit the world of bakers through a 200 m2 exhibition.
The Museum is opened on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 14pm to 18pm on demand.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-du-chemin-des-dames corbeny

Hôtel du Chemin des Dames

  • Corbeny
  • 03 23 23 95 70

Farming Museum


A memory duty: "A tribute to the workers who feed people".

In a traditional farm from 18th and 19th centuries, you will see a wine cellar, an authentic stable with a very rare bed in his original context (the only one existing in Champagne Ardenne and Picardie).

The visit continues to the dairy, a wooden hayloft sheltering tanks for cattle, old trucks. A unique barn with his framework in shape of boat.
The stables with horse cars and carriages. A farm room from 1850 to 1950, with a closed bed, kitchen, farm table, and old furnitures and tools from the forgotten trades. Wood work, shoemaker, saddler and iron work.

Visit on demand every day except Monday morning.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-du-chemin-des-dames corbeny

Hôtel du Chemin des Dames

  • Corbeny
  • 03 23 23 95 70

Circuit "the roman churches of the tardenois"

Circuit of 80 Km. The Tardenois is part of these very old countries already known to the era gallo-romaine. It spreads himself between the Vesle to the North and Marls it to the South. It finishes at the East with the forest plateau of the Mountain of Reims and to the West to the limits of the Orxois, Valois and Soissonnais. If the Roman churches constitute the principal characteristic of this small region, the country conceals many other treasures, sites, landscapes, men that aujourd?hui again do it to live and that we leave yourself the pleasure to discover. Although the origins of certain parishes be very old, the religious constructions that exist are not previous to the XIème century. Most of the Roman churches of the circuit were enlarged, modified, or remade in left for a posterior era, be at the XIIème century, be at the XV and XVI, be after the World War, which differentiates the churches. The typical outline of these monuments defines themselves by a steeple around of which focus a nave (where musters itself the community) and the sanctuary (where is placed the altar and where is held the clergy). FISMES, the one of the bigger cities of the tardenois, is a former châtellenie of the Counts of Champagne. The kings of France on the way for the coronation of Reims had for habit of there to stop off. His church, dedicated to Holy macre, was built to the XIème century and destroyed to five returns, so the region was exposed to the invasion ravagings.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-du-chemin-des-dames corbeny

Hôtel du Chemin des Dames

  • Corbeny
  • 03 23 23 95 70

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