
TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureVAILLY-SUR-AISNE (02)

Vailly sur Aisne is a borough located on the Right Bank the Aisne at about 20km in the East of Soissons. The small town is boxed at the bottom of the southern slope of the plate of the Abondin which announces the Way of the Ladies.

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Discover Vailly-sur-Aisne

miniature miniature

Vailly-sur-AisneVailly-sur-Aisne has a long story. Founded by the Gallic ones, it sees the passage of Jules César and undergoes the cohabitation Gallo-Roman (vestiges of substructions of thermal baths and a villa found in the north of the city)until the march in the grounds soissonnaises of the troops of Mérovée, grandfather of Clovis Ist Soissons becomes the capital of the Francs. Clovis widens the kingdom and indicates Paris like capital. Vailly, as for it, is surrounded by walls out of wooden, simple preceded palisades of a ditch.
Vailly-sur-Aisne invites you to discover places and to spend a few moments there, quite simply by curiosity or to take part in animations.

Accommodation nearby

center-parcs-le-lac-d-ailette chamouille

Center Parcs Le Lac d'Ailette

  • Chamouille
  • 04 90 25 82 64
hotel-du-chemin-des-dames corbeny

Hôtel du Chemin des Dames

  • Corbeny
  • 03 23 23 95 70

The Picardy circuit of shooting to the arc attracts 54 archers


 The room of the sports of Vailly-sur-Aisne opened its doors with the archers for a stage of the Picardy circuit of shooting to the arc.
Organized jointly by the Round of Aisne, chaired by Dolorès Lebègue and the company of arc of Vailly, chaired by Louis Bonnevie, this competition brought together 54 archers come from the three Picardy departments, but also from the Marne, the Paddle, the Ardennes and the Paris region.
The contest proceeded in several flights of three arrows to draw in two minutes time limits, you target a score of centimetres, placed at 18 meters of the launching pad. For the shootings of qualification, three classifications were established: traditional women category traditional, men and mixed compound (arc with pulley). At the conclusion of these shootings of qualification, a contest in duels was organized, the test being disputed with two archers with direct elimination.

Accommodation nearby

center-parcs-le-lac-d-ailette chamouille

Center Parcs Le Lac d'Ailette

  • Chamouille
  • 04 90 25 82 64
hotel-du-chemin-des-dames corbeny

Hôtel du Chemin des Dames

  • Corbeny
  • 03 23 23 95 70

The discover circuits in Vailly-sur-Aisne


At the beginning of the Fort of Condé:
* 2 hiking roads (pedestrian/VTT):
- 9,5 kms - 3:00 - rather easy: “the church of Sainte Radegonde” yellow and blue beaconing.
- 12 kms - 4:00 - rather easy with difficult: “The fountain Ouen Saint” yellow beaconing and green
* 2 circuits of VTT for the most courageous:
- A circuit marked out in red of 45 kms
- A circuit marked out in blue of 30 kms

Accommodation nearby

center-parcs-le-lac-d-ailette chamouille

Center Parcs Le Lac d'Ailette

  • Chamouille
  • 04 90 25 82 64
hotel-du-chemin-des-dames corbeny

Hôtel du Chemin des Dames

  • Corbeny
  • 03 23 23 95 70

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