
DepartureHENDAYE (64)

Hendaye offers the visitors a beach of 3.5 km (the longest one of the Basque Coast), the Castle of Abbadia and the domain of the same name, property of the conservatory of the coast.

Discover the natural surroundings


This site belongs to the 'Conservatoire du Littoral' an covers 8% of the Hendaye surface, it offers 64 ha of land where nature is preserved and will be left unspoiled for the next generation.

Meadows, marshes, woodlands and cliffs are part of this landscape. Manech ewes and more than 30 different types of birds live here and to access this place is free. There are also rare species of flowers such as daffodils and orchids.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-orhoitza-vacances-bleues hendaye

Hôtel Orhoïtza - Vacances Bleues

  • Hendaye
  • 04 91 00 96 49
hotel-de-la-rhune ascain

Hôtel de la Rhune

  • Ascain
  • 05 59 54 00 04
cote-basque-vacances-3 ciboure

Cote Basque Vacances 3*

  • Ciboure
  • 05 59 08 40 00
motel-mil bidart

Motel Mil

  • Bidart
  • 05 59 54 71 71

Discover a great adventure


To go from Hendaye to Banyuls-syr-Mer along the GR 10, a month and a half to two months are necessary.

The trekkers engage themselves in a great adventure with about 50 stops over. Can be done in several trips.

The housing will be in mountain refuges and shelters as the itinerary covers the mountain area and the deep valleys. Various landscapes will be crossed with Ocean weather influences from the Basque region and the dryness of the Mediterranean 'Alberes'.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-orhoitza-vacances-bleues hendaye

Hôtel Orhoïtza - Vacances Bleues

  • Hendaye
  • 04 91 00 96 49
hotel-de-la-rhune ascain

Hôtel de la Rhune

  • Ascain
  • 05 59 54 00 04
cote-basque-vacances-3 ciboure

Cote Basque Vacances 3*

  • Ciboure
  • 05 59 08 40 00
motel-mil bidart

Motel Mil

  • Bidart
  • 05 59 54 71 71

Touring around the Bay of Txingudi


By foot, roller blades or cycle, this tour around the bay of Txingudi offers great views on the town of Irun and Hondarribia.

The path then goes along the coast to the Vauban Fortification vestiges. The Port of Caneta  allow to discover Bakar Etchea the lastest home of Pierre Loti.

It is also a passage for the pilgrims going on the Saint James's way, the 'Pont international' leads to Hendaye and Irun where the itinerary continues to the beach of Hondarribia

Accommodation nearby

hotel-orhoitza-vacances-bleues hendaye

Hôtel Orhoïtza - Vacances Bleues

  • Hendaye
  • 04 91 00 96 49
hotel-de-la-rhune ascain

Hôtel de la Rhune

  • Ascain
  • 05 59 54 00 04
cote-basque-vacances-3 ciboure

Cote Basque Vacances 3*

  • Ciboure
  • 05 59 08 40 00
motel-mil bidart

Motel Mil

  • Bidart
  • 05 59 54 71 71

The 'Sentier du Littoral'


From Bidart to Hendaye, the 'Sentier du Littoral' offers 25 km of great views along the best part part of the Basque Coast. It can be done in one day (7 hours) or in several days if one wants to enjoy the exceptional heritage of the towns and villages nearby.

The 'Sentier du Littoral' has eight entrances of which three are in Hendaye and six description kiosks are present on the path where walkers  and ramblers will then have the opportunity to have educational breaks on themes such as the coast, the surf, fishing, or the Bay of Saint-Jean-de-Luz.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-orhoitza-vacances-bleues hendaye

Hôtel Orhoïtza - Vacances Bleues

  • Hendaye
  • 04 91 00 96 49
hotel-de-la-rhune ascain

Hôtel de la Rhune

  • Ascain
  • 05 59 54 00 04
cote-basque-vacances-3 ciboure

Cote Basque Vacances 3*

  • Ciboure
  • 05 59 08 40 00
motel-mil bidart

Motel Mil

  • Bidart
  • 05 59 54 71 71

Latest news on : Hendaye