
TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureVESDUN (18)

Vesdun is a commune located in the department of Cher in the Centre region.

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Things to see :

  • Saint-Cyr de Vesdun church
  • The village
  • The castle of La Rouhanne belonging to the La Rochefoucauld family


Accommodation nearby

The monument of the center of the france


In the heart of Vesdun, a monument symbolizes the geographic Center of France and recalls the calculations of the specialists of the National Geographic Institute (IGN) that determined it.

This monument represents France in a 5 m diameters disc made of 60,000 enamel patches of eight different colour.

Accommodation nearby

The 'Forêt des mille poètes'


A real ramble through the forest in which many steles are scattered around having the name of someone famous and creative who are no longer alive. On each steles a quote is written.

More than 80 countries are represented. The forest has become internationally famous and was given an award by the International federation of writters.

Accommodation nearby

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