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- > Welcome to the country of dourgne
Welcome to the country of dourgne
Topic | Sciences and discovery |
Departure | DOURGNE (81) |
Details | The tourist office of the Country of Dourgne [Tarn, the Midday-Pyrenees] invites you to expatriation at the bottom of the Black Mountain, in the Regional natural park of Haut-Languedoc. |
Visit the village of Arfons

Arfons, small village of 182 inhabitants, hides its slate roofs in the middle of the Black Mountain. It owes its name (Orbi Fontes: sources hidden) with the many sources which surround it and which were the object of worship at the time Roman. These sources form two brooks, " Sor" and " Aiguebelle" , which is the kingdom of the trout fario. Two hamlets, Bastouls and Escudiés, frame the village, starting point of many and attractive hiking.
About 1150, the Knights of Jean Saint of Jerusalem build a fort, a hospital and a " sauveté" who is with the origin of the current village.
A long time refuge of brigands and robbers of cattle holding to ransom the merchants and the villagers of " the plaine" , Arfons is today a peaceful village which welcomes each year of many tourists attracted by the calm one, estival freshness, trott them in forest and the beauty of the landscapes. to see:
- The Virgin with the child (XVth century) with the angle of the Trilhe house.
- The " Toustoune" , pagan statuette of XIInd century, in Plô of the Barber.
- Boardings in single roofing stones in the Black Mountain.
- The Notre Dame church of the Rosary of Escudiés.
- The Catch of Alzeau, starting point of the Drain of the Mountain which feeds the channel of the South.
- Crosses, fountains and basins which mark out the mountain.
Accommodation nearby
Visit the village of Dourgne

Leaned on the Northern slope of the Black Mountain, the village of Dourgne allures with its wild landscapes, its sites of antan and its animated history.
Its origins go back to a deep past: the tops which dominate carry the trace of the time Gallo-Roman (St Chipoli) and in the valley, the large stones of the Roman way Narbonne-Castrate are still apparent by places.
In the Middle Ages, the village extended at the entry from the valley from Taurou, the foot of a castle strong “Castelas” now destroyed, and to the vault St Stapin. At the beginning of XIIIrd, Dourgne was ruined by Simon de Montfort at the time of the crusade against the Albigensians (vestiges of the old castle).
The village was rebuilt in 1301 with the authorization of Philippe le Bel, with his current site and the King of France granted the first communal freedoms to him, in particular, the authorization to manufacture cloth. The new country house becomes an important manufacturing center then. In remembering these events, all the village of Dourgne, in costumes of the time, ravels over tanks decorated with rosemary, the day of Septuagésime. This is traditional Fête of Rosemary, always existing today and dating of more than 700 years which is commemorated each year in February.
To see:
- The parish church of the XV and XVIIIth century.
- Houses with arcades of XVIIth.
- Ruins of the castle of Castelas
- The valley of Taurou and its old salte quarries Vaults of St Stapin (XVth) and St Ironwood
- The valley of Baylou, oratory of Monies
- Abbeys of En Calcat and co. Scholastique
- The Cross of Montalric (788m) and its panorama: count of orientation
- The rock of Bade and the statue of St Stapin
Accommodation nearby
Visit the village of Saint Avit

This village does not have a castle. There were no lords in Saint Avit and until the Revolution, the Consuls paid homage to the Marquis de Foix, Seigneur of Lagardiolle, St Avit, Dourgne and Arfons.
In the middle of XVIIIth century, the Seigniory is bought by Jean-Jacques d' Avessens de Montcalm.
The community of St Avit knows its independence starting from the introduction of the first municipality in 1790.
The smallholdings related to Compoix of XVIIth, exist still nowadays. Melzic, runs always peacefully, but it does not wash any more the flax and hemp.
Today, the village, away from the grand' route, does not have any trade, but is proud of its Town hall, its Church Saint Valentin and its school with its teaching regrouping.
The view on the last buttresses of the Black Mountain and the plain of Revel gives to the landscape something of majestic. The many small ways allow beautiful walks calm and the grand' air.
Accommodation nearby
Visit the village of Saint Amancet

Saint Amancet, at the foot of the Black Mountain and on the way of St Jacques de Compostelle will enchant you by his charm. The village embellished by many work of restoration of frontages and its flowered streets, is decorated by the presence of two fountains and basins on the places with the shade of the plane trees. Many hiking trails will make you discover the charms of the populated forest of fir trees, beeches, creating an environment resting with the rustles of its brooks.
- Curiosities of the village
Place said “Forest of Boulbène”: Close to the source of Avaris, terminals which were planted in 1519 to mark the limits of jurisdiction of Sorèze and St Amancet. Act renewed with XVIIIth between Solomon de Faure and Dom Jean Guibaldi. Syndic of the Abbot and the monks of Sorèze. A stick is engraved side of Sorèze and a tower on the side of Amancet Saint.
In the cemetery: At the end of the principal, visible alley as soon as one enters the cemetery finds a cross hones some whose arms evoke the Maltese cross. It rests on a base finished by another broader itself posed on two granite steps. A cross is engraved with the brace, the arms widen in the Germanic shape of cross.
There is also a tomb extraordinary. This funerary stone vault belongs to the Fauré family of St Maurice and date of the XIXth century. The gate of this one is largely emphasized: pilasters, tympanum engraved in flat part surmounted by an entablature, an ornamentation of volutes, a triangular pediment and a cross. There are two windows with somewhat damaged stained glasses because the protective grilles do not exist any more. The roof with two sides is covered with slates. This tomb belongs to a Protestant family which practised burials in the property of the castle.
Behind the church: a communal oven is going back to 1882-1884 in a rectangular shelter out of stones and bricks. The roof is with two sides and in tiles channel. The door consists of a lintel out of wooden and brick jambs.
Accommodation nearby
Visit the village of Massaguel

Curiosities of the village
- Medieval castle of XIIIth, with the 2 enclosures and the 6 turns, which was taken by the Protestants in 1569. It was refitted during XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries.
It was the bolt of the valley of Sant and had taken the continuation of the castle of Contrast ruined by Simon de Montfort.
- Church of XIXth with a fresco of Dom Robert.
The cemetery: Cross in iron stem dating from XIXth, whose ends form 3 other crosses, which each one represents the chief and the arms of the cross. It rests on a large cylindrical granite column ringed in top and at the octagonal base decorated on its 4 faces with rectangular prisms.
A square walk gives to the unit a certain elegance.
- In edge of D14 close to St Felix:
Very simple metal cross resting on a stone base. Close to the church: War memorial going back to 1920, dedicated to the children of Massaguel, died for France during the 2 wars. In front of there are 2 shells, of the trophies offered to the commune after the war of 1914-18.
To see:
- The ruins of Contrast which dominate the village
- The lake of the Step of Sant
Accommodation nearby
Walk " Discover the Small Inheritance "

These courses of loops (D 1 with 2:00 to be enjoyed with foot or in the bicycle.), will enable you to visit the monuments of the village then to trott you on the ways neighbourhood. In the course of the paths and ways, through landscapes and environments very varied, you will discover our small inheritance: pigeon, baker's ovens, fountains, laundrettes, well, cross, basins…
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- 3 Museum
- 2 Monuments