
TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureSAINT-CHAMOND (42)

Saint-Chamond is located in the valley of Gier between the mounts of the Lyonese (at north) and the Solid mass of Pilat (in the south), between Saint-Etienne (12 km) and Lyon (45 km). Saint-Chamond is the chief town of canton of the Loire. This is the third commune of the department of the Loire after Saint-Etienne and Roanne.

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Discover Saint Chamond


Located in the Southern Loire between the two large regional metropolises that are Lyon and Saint-Etienne in the valley of Gier, posed with the foot of the Regional natural park of Pilat of which it is one of the doors of the main entrance, Saint-Chamond is presented in the form of a complete city, having the together infrastructures suitable to satisfy its 38.000 inhabitants, Saint-Chamonais or Couramiauds.

Main city of the Valley of Gier, it combines the characteristics of a town of tradition and a city in the countryside.

Because the old stones attest richness of its past, Saint-Chamond attaches to emphasize its inheritance.

The house of the canons (XVI century), blottie with the bottom of the hill historical Saint-Ennemond heart of the city, while passing by the old hospital, the convent of tiny (1622), or the Saint-Pierre church (XVII), are as many sites classified to randomly discover ballades in old Saint-Chamond.

The countryside, splendid and near represents a true invitation to stroll in a preserved and astonishing environment. The many hiking trails, pedestrian and of VTT make it possible to marry sport and nature astutely.

Saint-Chamond forms of part; a network of cities made up in community of communes under the name " Saint-Etienne Métropole".

This whole of more than 400.000 inhabitants profits from the radiation from the large poles university, cultural, sporting and tourist.

City in living, city to be discovered, Saint-Chamond awaits you!

Accommodation nearby

ethic-etapes-dijon dijon


  • Dijon
  • 03 80 72 95 20
domaine-des-7-fontaines vienne

Domaine des 7 Fontaines

  • Vienne
  • 04 74 85 25 70
le-chateau-de-la-charmeraie saint-laurent-de-chamousset

Le Château de la Charmeraie

  • Saint-laurent-de-chamousset
  • 04 74 70 50 70

Discover the heritage of Saint Chamond


Rich in a history taking root at the beginning of the XVI century, Saint-Chamond proposes a whole of sites which constitute the witnesses of its past.

  • The house of the Canons: Located at the edge of Janon at the foot of the upper town, seems to be set up partly in the XV century and to be altered in XVI century with the Italian.
  • The Old Hospital: Formerly located towards the Saint-Anthony bridge, street was transferred from Charity about 1670; the vault will be built in 1674. Lettrespatentes going back to May 1713 and signed of the king Louis XIV confirmed says it establishment.
  • The Saint-Pierre church: Built by Nickel silver Mitte de Chevrières, lord of Saint-Chamond, in prolongation of the vault Holy-Bores, l' Saint-Pierre church was devoted on May 3, 1609.
  • The Town hall: the Town hall is an old convent of Tiny, founded on January 27, 1628 by Gabrielle de Gadagne, marries of Jacques Mitte de Chevrières, lord of Saint-Chamond.
  • The Machine Waistcoat-Thaon: the machine Waistcoat-Thaon is a remarkable whole as for the industrial architecture.

Accommodation nearby

ethic-etapes-dijon dijon


  • Dijon
  • 03 80 72 95 20
domaine-des-7-fontaines vienne

Domaine des 7 Fontaines

  • Vienne
  • 04 74 85 25 70
le-chateau-de-la-charmeraie saint-laurent-de-chamousset

Le Château de la Charmeraie

  • Saint-laurent-de-chamousset
  • 04 74 70 50 70

Guided visits for groups of Saint Chamond


Come to discover the inheritance and the history of Saint-Chamond through a walk in centre town and on the Saint-Ennemond hill!

Minimum of 10 people, on go.

The association City of the Art and History of St-Etienne organizes guided visits of Saint-Chamond.

The calendar of these visits is available to the reception of the Tourist office of Saint-Chamond.

Accommodation nearby

ethic-etapes-dijon dijon


  • Dijon
  • 03 80 72 95 20
domaine-des-7-fontaines vienne

Domaine des 7 Fontaines

  • Vienne
  • 04 74 85 25 70
le-chateau-de-la-charmeraie saint-laurent-de-chamousset

Le Château de la Charmeraie

  • Saint-laurent-de-chamousset
  • 04 74 70 50 70

The hiles in Saint Chamond

  • Historical stroll in the middle of the city

A folder available in Tourist office, proposes one to you strolls in the middle of the city at the beginning of the Tourist office.

This document will point out to you the traces of the past, symbols of l' structure of the town of Saint-Chamond.

  • Hiking

Topo-guide at the beginning of Saint-Chamond under development.

  • Excursions VTT and bicycle touring

Others topos guides on Saint-Chamond and its surroundings available in Tourist office.

  • Excursions in the Regional natural park of Pilat

All the topos guides published by the Regional natural park of Pilat are on sale in Tourist office.

Accommodation nearby

ethic-etapes-dijon dijon


  • Dijon
  • 03 80 72 95 20
domaine-des-7-fontaines vienne

Domaine des 7 Fontaines

  • Vienne
  • 04 74 85 25 70
le-chateau-de-la-charmeraie saint-laurent-de-chamousset

Le Château de la Charmeraie

  • Saint-laurent-de-chamousset
  • 04 74 70 50 70

Latest news on : Saint-Chamond
