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Topic | Sciences and discovery |
Departure | SAINT-HEAND (42) |
Details | Saint-Héand is a french town, located in the department of the Loire and the Rhone-Alpes area. Dominate the plain of Forez as well as the metropolis of Saint-Etienne to which it is connected by a pleasant tourist road of twelve kilometers. |

Discover the catle of Malval

The castle of Malval is below located the borough, on the road leading in Saint-Bonnet-les-Oules.
The tradition makes go back to the year 1000 the approximately origin of the Castle of Malval. The files attest only existence of a ground and a barn of Malval pertaining to Jean Morret, on December 17, 1378. The mention of a castle appears in 1624.
On November 7, 1787, Alphonse of DROULLIN of MENILGLAISE, captain of pomegranates of the regiment of the French Guards, sold the seigniory of Malval to Claude RAVEL, rider baron of MONTAGNY, lord of the DOA. On July 17, 1792, Claude RAVEL had in second weddings a son, Nicolas Auguste RAVEL of MALVAL, married on February 20, 1813 with Claire-Joséphine BABOIN of the BERALLIERE. Nicolas inherited the castle and his ground which he enjoys until his death, on July 28, 1880. Nicolas Auguste RAVEL of MALVAL was mayor of SAINT-HEAND of 1841 to 1870 then of 1871 to 1880. The main street of the borough bears its name.
Various owners followed one another since. The grounds were sold and, at the present time, the property (private) includes the castle and its field.
The castle is composed of a principal main building flanked at the tips of two wings connected between them by an arched room.
The frontages and the roofs of the castle are registered with the additional inventory of the Historic buildings by decree of May 8, 1964
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The Saint-Joseph church

Built from 1883, the Saint-Joseph church was designed by Holy-Marie-Louis-Jean PERRIN, say Sainte-Marie PERRIN, raises and successor of Pierre-Marie BOSSAN, the architect of Notre-Dame de Fourvière in LYON.
This building replaced another church, dating from XIV century at least, located on the Clémenceau place and demolished because it was decayed.
In frontage, the gate, without porch, is surmounted by a sculpture due to DUFRENE (of Lyon), representing the " Good Pasteur" , and a powerful flanked bell-tower of slate louvers.
Inside, it is noticed that the side aisles are of the same height than the principal nave. At the end of collateral, one finds two groups carved: on the left, holy Joseph, owner of the church, surrounded by Pierre saint and Paul saint; on the right, the Virgin, giving the rosary to Dominique saint and holy Catherine of Sienne.
In the chorus, the furnace bridge is surmounted by a baldachin, as in Fourvière. The most remarkable remainder the decoration - interior and external - of a great eclecticism, which borrows from times and different civilizations: the palmettes of the acroteria, for example, return to the oldest civilizations of our world; the bulls of the gate, in addition to the usual religious code, are ancestral representations of the force and power; the rosettes, ornamentation already in the Middle Ages of the religious buildings, recall the worship marial and the rosary in honor to the XIX century. In the spirit of Sainte-Marie PERRIN, these elements were to symbolize the spiritual search of the man, and in accordance with his convictions, the permanence of the faith and the Christian Church.
The Saint-Joseph church is registered with the additional inventory of the Historic buildings on February 5, 1982.
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The gate of Croton

This gate is the ultimate vestige of rise in the enclosure castrale, located at the center of the current borough. " Croton" mean the vault, the cellar, the cave or the prison.
In 1996, the commune of Saint-Héand undertook a complete rehabilitation of the door of Croton, under the control of work of cabinet BARRIOL - MATHAIS. On June 9, 1998, the commune was seen decreeing the departmental price " Ribbons of Patrimoine" organized by the French federation of the building, the Association of the Mayors of France and Dexia local Credit of France.
This distinction rewards best valorization for the built, old or contemporary inheritance.
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Discover the leisure area

You want to take a air bowl, to go out with your family?
Come to discover the zone of leisures of Saint-Héand, located at Ronzière.
You will find there:
- A course of health
- A single rock of climbing in its kind
- A space of play
- A corner picnic
- A botanical path
- A water level for the amateurs of fishing (managed by association Héandaise Carp).
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