At 3km, 10min. of rise. To take the road of Salette, at the exit of Body, to fork on the right. At the end of the road, a small paradise in mountain pasture. To park itself in the hotel and outward journey to see the panorama on Body, the lake of Sautet and Obiou. Or by the pedestrian way (¾ H): splendid balcony dominating Body and the lake of Sautet, vis-a-vis Obiou.
- Sanctuary N.D. of Salette:
In 1846, a " Beautiful Dame" appeared with two young shepherds originating in Body. C' is the 2nd place of pilgrimage marial in France after Doors. Museum of l' Appearance with a collection d' ex voto interesting.
- At the village of Salette Fallavaux:
Not to fail to make a halt with the Cemetery of the Canadians, 53 pilgrims died in the catastrophe of the DC4 in 1950 with Obiou and buried around of a charming vault.
- Stopping and Bridge of Sautet:
Put out of water in 1935. Ideal place for its construction because of the narrowness of the throat (profile out of V) to the locality of Sautet which comes from Latin Saltus and means rock throat or forest procession, a splendid canyon of 200m. of depth and approximately 7km length. Two rivers feed this reserve: Drac and Souloise.
- Turn of the lake of Sautet:
35km To take the Bridge of Sautet, Pellafol, the Channel of Pellafol: was used formerly for the irrigation of the cultures, collected water with St Disdier, true work of Titan, dug in the rock and visible on the western frontage of the procession of Narrow, the Sources of Gillardes, 2èmes resurgences of France dominated by the teeth of Berchon, overcome for the 1st time by the Demaison cord. (Stop picnic, bathe with the Farmhouse, paths of discovered…), Ambel (seen panoramic, “Capped Young ladies”), Motty. Then to take the RN 85 on the left which goes up on Corps, for Grenoble.