Hikes in the briançonnais

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureVENOSC (38)

Located at the hinge of the Alps of the north and the Alps of the south, Briançonnais is at the crossroads of four splendid valleys: Guisane, Clarée, the high Durance and the Cerveyrette.

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Guided visit of the venosc village


Every Monday with 14h, excursion guided tour of the village and the hamlets. 1h30-2h duration approximately. one strolls to plunge in the venosc of formerly. advised walking shoes. free. return to the office tourism of venosc

Accommodation nearby

chateau-de-la-muzelle venosc

Château de la Muzelle

  • Venosc
  • 04 76 80 06 71
hotel-la-belle-etoile les-2-alpes

Hôtel la Belle Etoile

  • Les 2 alpes
  • 04 76 80 51 19
hotel-les-melezes les-2-alpes

Hôtel les Mélèzes

  • Les 2 alpes
  • 04 76 80 50 50
chalet-annapurna les-2-alpes

Chalet Annapurna

  • Les 2 alpes
  • 04 7 6 79 2 1 14

Monêtier les bains : le col du Lautaret (2057 m)


In summer, the alpine lawn of the collar of Lautaret papers multicoloured flowers and of bright green as for better presenting at the travellers his majesty Meije and its glaciers étincelants, the mythical top of the Jewel cases, which springs towards the sky. A seizing landscape! Count of orientation to the Alpine Garden of Lautaret.

Accommodation nearby

chateau-de-la-muzelle venosc

Château de la Muzelle

  • Venosc
  • 04 76 80 06 71
hotel-la-belle-etoile les-2-alpes

Hôtel la Belle Etoile

  • Les 2 alpes
  • 04 76 80 51 19
hotel-les-melezes les-2-alpes

Hôtel les Mélèzes

  • Les 2 alpes
  • 04 76 80 50 50
chalet-annapurna les-2-alpes

Chalet Annapurna

  • Les 2 alpes
  • 04 7 6 79 2 1 14

Névache : la haute vallée de la clarée (2030 m)


Landscapes where country cottages of mountain pasture, green lawns, tumultuous torrents with clear water and torn tops share space with harmony.

Accommodation nearby

chateau-de-la-muzelle venosc

Château de la Muzelle

  • Venosc
  • 04 76 80 06 71
hotel-la-belle-etoile les-2-alpes

Hôtel la Belle Etoile

  • Les 2 alpes
  • 04 76 80 51 19
hotel-les-melezes les-2-alpes

Hôtel les Mélèzes

  • Les 2 alpes
  • 04 76 80 50 50
chalet-annapurna les-2-alpes

Chalet Annapurna

  • Les 2 alpes
  • 04 7 6 79 2 1 14

Latest news on : Hikes in the Briançonnais

Tourism near

venoscVisit the city of Venosc
  • 1 Monuments


samedi-23-juin-venosc-plateau-d-emparisLa transhumance
plateau-d-emparisRefuge of Fay
Information within a radius of 30 km


camping car
