The Saint-Hérie church of XII century presents beautiful a frontage-screen Romance broken unfortunately. You perceived the vestiges of a carved rider and a female statue vêtue of a bliaud there. The local tradition sees Sainte Blandine there, but no historical proof corroborates this attribution. With the reverse of this frontage are two large Romance capitals, obviously older, re-installed in the church. The chorus was strongly altered in XIV century in the radiant Gothic style. Presenting high bays decorated with rubble fillings, he recalls in modest version the rise in the Ste Chapelle of Paris. This chorus was entirely restored in the years 1960 (reopening of bays, repair of the vault, d' realization; a keystone). At the same time you removed paintings of the XIX century which decorated the walls and columns of the Romance nave. Since, the church presents a very sober interior.
Stained glasses of the chorus, realized by Gerard Lardeur, glass Master, in 2002.
The church Saint-Pierre de Marestay is also Romance of XIIe century.
This building remain only the chorus, transept and the first stage of the bell-tower. In the interior it preserves Gothic frescos. The cupola on pendentive of the chorus is the result of an awkward repair during the centuries. Originally, it was on horns.
The protesting temple incorporates in its structure the vestiges of a Romance vault which the origin is unknown to date.