Discover cognac city

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureCOGNAC (16)

Cognac is a french town located in the department of Charente which it is sub-prefecture, and the Poitou-Charentes area.

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Tour Cognac the river

  • Cognac Martell (paying visit, lasted 1:15)

Created by a British come from the Island of Jersey at the beginning of the 18th century, this Company describes itself as " Oldest of the large Houses of Cognac". Located in the middle of the city and near the Charente river, the House of Martell Trade has a circuit of visit (House of the Founder, barge " Just Edouard" , wine storehouses of ageing, etc…)

To leave the Martell Cognacs by bottom and to join the quays and to go up 150m on the line.

  • The discovered  Space in country of the cognac (free visit)

This is a center of the interpretation on the inheritance, the history and the discovery of the Cognac country. Interactive scenographies, model, terminals, magic books, punctuate this visit of 45 mn accessible to all the public ones. Plays for children, accessible to the handicapped people.

  • The barge " The Jeanne"

Lady; (paying cruising, lasted 1:45) Reproduction with the identical of the old barges which transferred onto the Charente river salt, cognac barrels, weapons, etc… From May to September, mini-cruisings with accompanying notes make it possible to discover the most beautiful landscapes of the area.

  • Cognac Hennessy (paying visit, lasted 1:15)

Installed in 1765 per Richard Hennessy on Right Bank of Charente, the wine storehouses d' origin testify to l' anchoring of the House in a traditional regional activity. On left bank, the building of glass, stone, copper and wood drawn by the architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte in 1995 constitutes the contemporary frontage of the company.

On your left go up the street Saulnier

  • Museum of arts of the cognac (entered paying, lasted 1:15)

The street Saulnier is one of the most charming streets of the Old Cognac, with its paving stones and its slope studied for the rolling of the barrels, its private mansions of former cognac traders. Martell hotel, Brownish Hotel of the Scrap-metal, Hotel Perrin de Boussac which shelters the Museum of arts of the cognac which through a gravitational course invites the public to discover the mysteries of the development of the cognac, the vine growing, the design packaging. 

  • Allenet hotel

In the n° 56 of the street of the Isle d'Or; old residence of Andre Allenet, Cognac mayor in 1550 and 1582. To notice a niche its statue empties.

Vis-a-vis the street of the Palate that is at the entry of the Cloister (closed the night)

  • Church Saint Leger and Cloître

Located street Aristide Briand, this is the most beautiful Cognac church whose Romance frontage of the 12th century was modified with 15th by boring of a very large rosette. Give an special attention to the 4th curve of the gate with its traditional decoration in Charente representing the occupations of the months of the year. At side, to see the cloister which currently shelters the Public library.

To join the Gambetta carpark, to descend the street Aristide Briand until the Martell Company.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-restaurant-la-vieille-auberge barbezieux-saint-hilaire

Hôtel Restaurant la Vieille Auberge

  • Barbezieux-saint-hilaire
  • 05 45 78 02 61
hostellerie-du-maine-brun asnieres-sur-nouere

Hostellerie du Maine Brun

  • Asnieres-sur-nouere
  • 05 45 90 83 00

Tour Renaissance


Attested of the 11th century, rebuilt at the 15th century by the Count Jean de Valois, this castle lives to be born future king François Ier in 1494. In the current hour it is the seat of the House of Trade Otard, a visit in the middle of 2 stories is proposed to you: the French history and the venture Otard mark.

To leave the Castle by the left and to descend  the Canton of the Fountain (100 m). Vis-a-vis the Charente river, the slope of the Castle

To see: the window known as " the Balcony of Roi" decorated medallions and of two salamanders, emblem of king François Ist. With the foot of the Slope, the " is; Hollow of Charlotte" who was the tank of the Castle. At the 18th century it became a public laundrette.

  • Towers

Facing Charente two towers with curtain and machicolations trefoil are dated from the years 1499 and 1500. They remain practically the only vestiges of the strengthened city.

  • The Fountain known as " Fountain François Ier"

After being last under the towers you go up 40m towards the old city and you will find on your left the fountain known as " Fountain François Ier". It was high at the beginning of the 19th century by the Pineau architect. It is of neo-classic style and carries a decoration naturalist.

  • Large street

This is the main axis of the town of Cognac in the Middle Ages until the 19th century. This paved street is bordered of houses with wood side. The most famous among them is the House of Lieutenancy in top of the street Grande on the line.

  • The House of Lieutenancy

Located at 7, rue Grande it sheltered a trade with its rez of roadway while the stage was used as housing. The stage with wood side comprises carved parts of the 15th century. It owes its name to the general lieutenant of the Cognac Seneschalsy which lived at the 16th century.

  • Rabayne hotel

At the n°14 of the street Magdeleine, it is located; Hotel of Rabayne on which is a carved salamander, emblem of king François Ist. The cornice carries the following inscription: " Cito credas, male dicas inicum evita" (N' do not have confidence promptly, do not slander, avoid the enemy).

  • Place Canton

Located near the Large street and of the street of the Isle d' Or a small stone terminal is on which a salamander is carved. - direct then towards the place François Ier by borrowing the street d' Angouleme (mall).

  • Rule of François Ier

Work d' Antoine Etex (1808-1888), this bronze statue rests on a marble pedestal whose low-reliefs evoke eight of the principal episodes of the life of François Ist Set up in 1864 this equestrian statue represents the victorious King-Knight of the battle of Marignan.

Statue of François Ier, borrow on the left the Denfert-Rochereau boulevard

  • Denfert-Rochereau boulevard

This boulevard is established on the layout of the old ramparts of the city and the ditches demolished in the years 1840. At its end (300m) is the Castle of Francois, starting point of your visit.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-restaurant-la-vieille-auberge barbezieux-saint-hilaire

Hôtel Restaurant la Vieille Auberge

  • Barbezieux-saint-hilaire
  • 05 45 78 02 61
hostellerie-du-maine-brun asnieres-sur-nouere

Hostellerie du Maine Brun

  • Asnieres-sur-nouere
  • 05 45 90 83 00

Discover the heart of Cognac

  • Cognac Martell (paying visit, lasted 1:15)

Penetrate in this large Cognac House founded in 1715 by a native British of l' Island of Jersey. You will discover the House of the Founder there, the barge the " Just Edouard" and a course which will make you discover the secrecies of the vine and the wine storehouses.

Exit Places Martell, turn left and to follow the street Harrison, the Beaulieu place, the street of Lusignan and the street Cormereau.

  • The Museum of arts of the cognac (paying visit, lasted 1:15)

In the middle of the cultural identity of the cognac, where practices and know-how developed, the visitor is invited to penetrate the mysteries of the development of the cognac but also to include/understand l' industrial history of the city.

To go down on the Quays Maurice Hennessy.

  • Cognac Hennessy (paying visit, lasted 1:15)

The Hennessy Company borders Charente on two banks of the river. Installed on Right Bank, the wine storehouses of the origin testify to the historical anchoring of the House in a traditional regional activity. On left bank, the building of glass, copper and wood, drawn by Jean-Michel Wilmotte in 1995 constitutes the contemporary frontage of the Company and a place of visit. - Hennessy Quay in direction of the Bridge and go up the Slope of the Castle.

  • Cognac Otard (paying visit, lasted 1:15)

At the end of the Hennessy Quay, on the right of the Bridge, the Castle is located where François Ier was born in 1494. Since 1796 the Otard House is installed in this prestigious place. A visit in the middle of two stories is proposed to you: the French history and the venture Otard mark through a single circuit. - Face the entrance of the Castle beside the war memorial, borrow the walk of the park until the crossing of the street Cagouillet.

  • Cognac Camus (paying visit, lasted 1:15)

The Camus Cognacs reflect diversity of an area extending from the Islands of The Atlantic with the most secret Cognac recesses. The Camus House, attached to its independence since 1863 is characterized by creations surprising from cognac to the single characters. - cross the Public garden and to join the Denfert-Rochereau boulevard on the level of the Museum of the art and the history.

  • Cognac, birthplace of Jean Monnet

The Denfert-Rochereau boulevard follows the layout of the old ramparts of the city and leads you by the left, until the François place Ist. To note with the end of the Denfert-Rochereau boulevard, the street of the Ramparts where was born a father from Europe in 1888.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-restaurant-la-vieille-auberge barbezieux-saint-hilaire

Hôtel Restaurant la Vieille Auberge

  • Barbezieux-saint-hilaire
  • 05 45 78 02 61
hostellerie-du-maine-brun asnieres-sur-nouere

Hostellerie du Maine Brun

  • Asnieres-sur-nouere
  • 05 45 90 83 00

Tour Cognac in the green

  •  Town hall

Public garden of a surface about 8ha, results from the meeting of the gardens of two properties: the Hotel Dupuy of Angeac (current Museum) and the Otard hotel of the Barn (current Town hall) bought by the Municipality respectively in 1921 and 1889. The garden was arranged by Edouard André, end 19th century, it created a part of water, a kiosk, caves, lawns. At the 20th century the architect R. Clavery continued by creating the pagoda. Partly destroyed by the storm of 1999 he was rehabilitated. Many plays for children, until 12 years and wild animals. - street Cagouillet, leave the Public garden on the level of the street Prévost de Sansac beside the Camus Cognacs

  • Park François Ier Rue Cagouillet.

To leave the Public garden on the level of the street Prévost de Sansac beside the Camus Cognacs. Park François Ier: By going up the street Prévost until its end you arrive Parc François Ier (called Petit Park and forming part at l' time of the royal field). From now on classified under the sites and wooded areas, it lost more of the 2/3 of its trees at the time of the storm of 1999. - go up a way while skirting the swimming pool then to go down towards your left towards the Base Outdoor.

  •  The Base Outdoor

Initiated by a former Cognac doctor, Andre Mermet, the Base Outdoor places at the disposal of the children sporting and ludic installations for the greatest pleasure of all. Pleasant place of relaxation and picnic the Base Outdoor is next to the Charente river and its tow path open to the walkers. - tow path, to join the street of Make d' Hell on the level of the restaurant Courtine.

  • Street of Make d' Hell

The old tow path from which the men or the animals drew with against current the barges charged with salt and d' brandy joined the street of Font d' Hell bordered by the Park François Ier and the Charente river.

IN the left end of this street is the Marchadier carpark.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-restaurant-la-vieille-auberge barbezieux-saint-hilaire

Hôtel Restaurant la Vieille Auberge

  • Barbezieux-saint-hilaire
  • 05 45 78 02 61
hostellerie-du-maine-brun asnieres-sur-nouere

Hostellerie du Maine Brun

  • Asnieres-sur-nouere
  • 05 45 90 83 00

Tour Cognac by night

  • The market

A good example; metal architecture of Baltard type, built in 1869-70 by the Garlandat architect. It profits from a setting in particularly successful light.

  • The Museum of the art and the history

The Museum is located in the Hotel Dupuy of Angeac builds in 1838, it was created in 1892 on the initiative of the company of the Friends of Arts of Emile Pellisson, negotiating out of brandies and collector. It shelters the municipal collections since 1925. The collections are varied: archaeological, prehistoric, history of the town of Cognac and its surroundings, paintings, sculptures and objects; art decorative.

  • Garden of the Town hall

The 8 ha of this garden result from the meeting of the parks which surrounded 2 private mansions. The unity is arranged in the English style with trees of the various gasolines, the lawns, the flowered solid masses, the caves, the brooks, the small bridges and part of the water. It is populated the animals and shelters a theatre of nature. Opened every day of 7:00 to 19:00 in October with April and 7:00 with 21:00 from May to September.

  • Villa François Ier

While descending the Denfert-Rochereau boulevard towards Charente, on the left side with number 121 the Villa François Ier is which shelters the Academy of Music of Cognac and the offices.

  • The Castle of Valois

Attested as of the 11th century and rebuilt at the 15th century by the Count Jean de Valois, this castle lives to be born future king François Ier in 1494. In the current hour, it is the seat of the House of Otard Trade.

  • House of Hennessy

Trade After having descended the slope from the Castle for Charente a beautiful walk of 300 m skirts the seat of the Company Hennessy until to the barge amarée before the port.

  • The street

Saulnier Reconsidering your steps about fifty meters, you will borrow the street Saulnier one of oldest and most charming of the old city. In the center of the street still a central gutter or moulière is. You can find there many private mansions having belonged to traders: Hotel Martell (n°19, 18th century), Brownish Hotel of the Scrap-metal (n°15, 1st half of the 17th century), Hotel Perrin de Boussac (n°11, gone back to 1567), Hotel of the Gautier of Prédasse (n°5, 17th century). - top of the street Saulnier borrow the street of l' Isle d' Or  then the street of the Palate until the street Aristide Briand. You will find the church Leger Saint there.

  • Church Leger Saint

This is the most beautiful church of Cognac whose Romance frontage of the 12th century was modified at the 15th century by boring a very large rosette. Give an special attention to the 4th curve of the gate representing the occupations of the months of the year. The Church Leger Saint and its bell-tower profit from a setting in light of very great quality.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-restaurant-la-vieille-auberge barbezieux-saint-hilaire

Hôtel Restaurant la Vieille Auberge

  • Barbezieux-saint-hilaire
  • 05 45 78 02 61
hostellerie-du-maine-brun asnieres-sur-nouere

Hostellerie du Maine Brun

  • Asnieres-sur-nouere
  • 05 45 90 83 00

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