Hostellerie de l'Auberge de L'Etang Bleu - Restaurant

L'Auberge de l'Etang Bleu offers different menus and map its traditional dishes.

The restaurant is rated restaurant and tourism Pierre Colas who officiates in the kitchen is a member of Euro-Toques brotherhood.

The property is a member of the chain "Logis de France" and Hostels Tables and France. The hotel and restaurant are open every evening and Sunday noon starting Monday, April 2 at Thursday, November 8 at night.

As of November 9 at Palm Sunday included, they will be open for dinner from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Hostellerie de l'Auberge de L'Etang Bleu : Further information


15-30€, 30-60€


  • Hostellerie de l'auberge de l'etang bleu
miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature
hostellerie-de-l-auberge-de-l-etang-bleu vieux-mareuil




Visit Vieux-mareuil


Vieux-Mareuil is a French commune located in the department Dordogne and Aquitaine region. Sights Cave prehistoric of Fronsac