L'Atelier-musée du tisserand et de la charentaise

The Museum Weavers and Charentais is in the Castle Varaignes. It traces the activity of textile Périgord-Limousin, cradle of the famous Charente.

The regional expertise, labor hemp technical sewn-back of slippers will be presented. During your visit, you will discover the looms, daily peasant-weaver in the nineteenth century or contemporary textile creations.

Temporary exhibitions are held throughout the year.

Accommodation nearby

4.72 € From
le-moulin-des-sources abjat-sur-bandiat

Le moulin des sources

  • Abjat-sur-bandiat
  • 06 8 0 48 5 5 08
70 € From
hostellerie-de-l-auberge-de-l-etang-bleu vieux-mareuil

Hostellerie de l'Auberge de L'Etang Bleu

  • Vieux-mareuil
  • 05 53 60 92 63

Latest news onL'Atelier-musée du tisserand et de la charentaise
