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- > Dordogne
- > Bourdeilles
- > Château de bourdeilles
Château de Bourdeilles
The castle of Bourdeilles was firstly a medieval castle, in the end of the 13th, then a Renaissance palace of XVI century, housing an impressive collection of nearly 700 items of antique furnishings. The fortress remained French until 1360 when the treaty of Brétigny ceded the Périgord to the English.
In 1481,the Bourdeilles family recovered its castle when François de Bourdeilles bought it back from the count of Périgord. A period of prosperity following by the construction of the Renaissance castle in the XVIth century. Around the middle of the 19th century, the castle was once again bought back by the descendants of the Bourdeilles family and then offered to the "Departement" of the Dordogne in 1962.
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Opening hours
Open daily in season.
Off season: open every day except Tuesday.
Duration of visitie tour: about 1 hour.
Adult: 7 €
Children 5 to 12 years: 4.50 €
Tourism near

- 1 Museum
- 6 Monuments