ZooParc de Beauval

ZooParc de Beauval is located near Saint-Aignan, in Loir-et-Cher, in Central France. It is one of the 15 most beautiful parks in the world, and the first one in France. 5.700 species live there.

Around 1 million tourists visit this zoo every year. It is one of the most important zoological park in Europe. It supports the endangered species programme. Many activities are organised to the visitors. You can take care of an animal for a day. Several guides are available as well.

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Accommodation nearby

85 € From
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Château de Vallagon

  • Bourre
  • 02 54 32 15 82
13.4 € From
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Les Coteaux du Lac

  • Chemille-sur-indrois
  • 02 47 92 77 83

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