- > Museums France
- > Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur
- > Hautes-Alpes
- > Briancon
- > Centre d'art comptemporain
Centre d'Art Comptemporain
The Centre d'Art Contemporain is a municipal structure that has been very successful due to the quality of the works exhibited and to an incentive policy based on the fact that the place is free and open all year round.
Its annual programme includes two group exhibitions in the summer and winter seasons, each lasting about three months.
In the spring and autumn, the centre organises thematic or individual exhibitions that can be combined with other cultural events.
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- 5 Museum
- 2 Monuments
Centre d'Art Comptemporain
Maison du Parc du briançonnais
Musée de l'Abeille
Le Soum
La Maison du Soleil

Sciences and discovery


Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km