- > Monuments France
- > Champagne-Ardenne
- > Haute-Marne
- > Dinteville
- > Château de dinteville
Château de Dinteville
Dinteville Castle was built in the sixteenth century around a large tower of the thirteenth century.
Thirteenth to the sixteenth century (until 1608), the castle was owned by the family of Jaucourt. The family was very active in Champagne under Francis I, she will go out in 1607.
The castle was bought in 1703 and restored according to the criteria of the eighteenth century. It has remained since then in the same family. Dependencies were built between 1809 and 1848.
Accommodation nearby
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Opening hours
Open from July 23 to August 31 from 2:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m.
Individual price: 3 €
Tourism near

- 2 Museum
- 2 Monuments

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Information within a radius of 30 km