Monuments in Cognac

Monument à Cognac currently available on Infotourisme. Also find activity that we offer on the city.

Liste of monuments in Cognac

chateau-des-valois cognac

Château des Valois

After the destruction of the first castle to the X century, a new one is built in the XIII century. According to legend, François Ier was born ...
eglise-saint-leger cognac

Eglise Saint-Léger

Church Saint-Léger is the largest churches in Cognac. She was formerly the Benedictine Priory and now serves as parish church in the city. The ...
eglise-saint-martin cognac

Eglise Saint-Martin

Church Saint-Martin is a church of the XII century which has preserved the remains of its ancient cemetery of Merovingian and Carolingian ...

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