Tourism Mulhouse

Mulhouse is the largest town in the department of Haut-Rhin, in the Alsace region. It is located near the Swiss and German borders.

The city has been industrialized since 1746, and was attached to France in 1798. This is one of the first cities to be a European industrial pole. At this time it is acquired nickname "Manchester French."

She was also a symbol during the Industrial Revolution in Europe. This probably happened because it was that particular one of the first cities to open a center for training apprentices. This one is still active and is one of the largest in the country.

The city acquired the label of City of Art and History and have many museums.

Sights Mulhouse

  • City of the Train
  • City of car
  • National Automobile Museum
  • Museum of EDF
  • Museum's wallpaper
  • Zoo and botanical gardens
  • Temple of Saint Etienne.

Tour on the Alsace wine route

  • Thème : Sciences and discovery
  • Départ : Thann
  • Durée : 4 jours

For 4 days, we invite you to discover the Alsace wine route. This famous tourist route was inaugurated in 1953. It extends over 170 kilometers between Marlenheim Thann and includes 170 municipalities.

Day 1 : Thann Day 2 : Eguisheim Day 3 : Riquewihr Day 4 : Barr


  • Thème : Sciences and discovery
  • Départ : Mulhouse
  • Durée : 7 jours

Having a rich historical heritage, numerous sports and cultural centres and being surrounded by a maginficent region, Mulhouse offers a great lifestyle.

mulhouse-the-old-city discover-the-painted-walls-of-mulhouse the-city-quarter-of-mulhouse national-car-museum

Discover the cities of the Haut-Rhin department

  • Thème : Sciences and discovery
  • Départ : Mulhouse
  • Durée : 4 jours

Discover the cities in the Haut-Rhin department. Visit places of interest, take advantage of our sightseeing tours. We offer a large choice of accommodations in the department with hotels, Self catering cottages and B&Bs. 

discover-the-town-of-rodern discover-the-town-of-mittelwihr discover-the-town-of-illhaeusern discover-the-pays-de-thann-region

Mulhouse Terre D'Expérience - visite du patrimoine industriel

  • Thème : Industrial tourism
  • Départ : Mulhouse
  • Durée : 0 jour

"Mulhouse Terre D'Expériences" est une application mobile pour Smartphone disponible gratuitement sur les stores Google Play et Apple Store qui vous guidera d'une entreprise à l'autre pour découvir le patrimoine industiriel local. Elle a pour objectif de ...

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Manifestations à Mulhouse