Tourism Baccarat

To date, no one knows yet exactly where the name comes from Baccarat. Several assumptions are accepted: Baccarat simply designate the tray or bridge thrown over the Meurthe. Abbreviation Bacchi-ara (altar Bachus) gave the Roman castellum, now called Tower of Bacha .This is still visible on the heights of Deneuvre. On the rock Danweren, the Romans built a castellum consisting of a square tower 12 m square with 2 floors with walls of 1 m thick.


  1. Tower Dedicated dungeon
  2. Castle of the Crystal
  3. City Hall Neo-Renaissance


  • Thème : Sciences and discovery
  • Départ : Baccarat
  • Durée : 4 jours

Baccarat is a city located in the Meurthe-et-Moselle department in the region of Lorraine.

the-crystal-museum saint-remy-church paul-michaut-park fontenoy-la-joute


  • Thème : Sciences and discovery
  • Départ : Senones
  • Durée : 2 jours

Senones is a commune located in the Vosges department in the Lorraine region.

visit-senones abbey-of-senones


  • Thème : Sciences and discovery
  • Départ : Luneville
  • Durée : 5 jours

Lunéville is located in the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle and the Lorraine region. 

visit-luneville the-heritage-of-luneville deneuvre-city-wall-tour activities-in-luneville

The "ballons des vosges" natural Regional Park

Discover the "Ballons des Vosges" natural Regional Park.

on-the-discovery-trails on-environment-education-centres on-historical-tours on-the-park-museums
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