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Tours Poitiers
Discover Vienne
Visit the Department of vienna and its tourist sites. Come discover the many and varied landscapes ...

Poitiers, an artistical and historical city
Called rightly the "town with the hundred bell-towers", poitiers shelters in its center 78 historic buildings. imposing monuments and roman churches, picturesque medieval ...

Welcome to Ligugé
Ligugé is a french town, located in the department of Vienne and the Poitou-Charentes area. The city is especially known for its abbey Saint Martin, older establishment monastic ...

Discover the park Futuroscope
The park of the futuroscope is a park on themes that the attractions are based on the multimedia, the film, broadcasting technologies, future robotics. it is situated in the ...

Around Chasseneuil du Poitou
With this tour you discover the natural heritage around Chasseneuil du Poitou. Come and enjoy a stay in which you go, nature, discovery and relaxation. A program for young and old! ...

Attractions in Vienne
3 days dynamic, themed attractions to see three lights, do not miss... We begin, of course, the inevitable Futuroscope! It continues with the Valley of the monkeys Romagna. ...

Visit Dissay city
Dissay is a french town, located in the department of Vienne and the Poitou-Charentes area. Its inhabitants are called the disséens and the disséennes.

Small rural district of 15.35 km ², Château-Larcher is located at 5 kilometers in the East of Vivonne, on the road of Gençay. The medieval city of Château-Larcher is built on a ...

Tourism Poitiers

Poitiers is located on the banks of the River Clain, 350km from Paris and 120 km from the Atlantic ...
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