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- > Baroque in lomagne
Baroque in lomagne
Topic | Sciences and discovery |
Departure | BEAUMONT-DE-LOMAGNE (82) |
Details | The baroque, term "baroque" has a precise origin: it indicated in jeweller's shop an irregular pearl or a badly cut stone. The baroque was thus the abnormal, the exuberant. At the beginning of the XX ème century the art historians in we make a concept Esther. |
Around the baroque

The Holy church Madeleine to stone built Larrazet of size(cutting) raises a baroque altarpiece realized in 1686 and restored in 2004. He(it) offers a set of scenes(stages), of statues and of remarkable decorations(sets). Castle of Johan de Cardailhac - Larrazet Johan de Cardailhac, in charge of the abbey of Belleperche made build in 1500 the abbatial palace on the place of the strong tower.
To see:
- The facade of the castle of style Flamboyant Gothic, its monumental staircase, its rooms and fireplaces(chimneys) Renaissance style.
- Canopy of the church of Notre-Dame of the Assumption. With a height of 15m, the canopy represents the Assumption of the Virgo and contains a big wealth of motives, with a profusion of decorations baroque style.
- Church in the shape of Italian theater. The chapel Its interior design ( 1776 ) is wooden decorated with mouldings painted and gilded. A triple row of arches which contains two floors of convex and concave stands occupies the bottom of the church and which gives him(her) an air(sight) of theater
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Marche of the quercy South

Country of crests and valleys where appears the white stone. Harmonious landscapes punctuated with dovecotes, with cazelles and with magnificent windmills. Earth of contrasts between the strongly cut and little cultivated trays and the fertile valleys; plum trees, chasselas grapes, melons and vineyards(vines) which produce Cahors and wines of the hillsides of Quercy.
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- 3 Monuments