Troyes, the medieval beautiful city

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureTROYES (10)

The paved lanes, its half-timbered houses, its private mansions Renaissance, its nine churches, its cathedral of light make Troyes an unforgettable destination. Troyes, the medieval capital of the Champagne region will surprise you.

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Visit of the old town


The Courtyard of the Gold Mortar recalls the time of the Champagne fairs,
The Cat's Alley so called because cats could easily jump froma  roof to another without falling.
The Goldsmith's Tower, The Town Hall, one of the few late Louis 13th style buildings.

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Religious monuments

  • St Pierre and St Paul Cathedral (C12th-C17th),
  • Saint-Urbain Basilica, masterpiece of Gothic art (1262-1286),
  • Saint-Rémy Church, houses white marble bas-reliefs,
  • Saint-Nizier Church, mixing of Renaissance and Gothic architecture (1508-1580),
  • Saint-Jean Church, the heart of the Middle-Ages Champagne fairs.

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The tool and crafts museum


Private mansion built about 1556 by Jean de Mauroy, transformed into orphanage, directed by the Brothers of the Redemption of Paris, called " Trinity of the Bleus".

Here is born, in 1746, the industry of Hosiery. Created under the impulse of the Father Paul Feller, (1913-1979), the House of the Tool became the largest museum of the tools in the world, for the quality and the quantity of the tools presented, but also for the scenography which transforms it into " workers Louvre".

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The market hall


During the renovation of the " new market ", at the 18th century, archaeologists discovered Gallo-Roman ruins and even an early Medieval cementery.

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museum of Modern Art


In the old Bishops Palace, this museum gathers some 2.000 works representing the large pictorial currents of the beginning of the century, from Courbet (1850) to De Staël (1950) with a preference for the fauve movement and expressionnism.

Some evocative names: de Vlaminck, Derain, Matisse, Dufy, Modigliani, Rouault, Van Dongen, Delacroix, Daumier, Maillol, Picasso, Cézanne, Seurat.

Don't miss a rare collection of glassmakings (bottles, cuts, transparent vases with enamelled decorations, engraved or bubbling glass, cracked with intercalated decorations from the famous Maurice Marinot (glass Trojan) and beautiful choice of African Art, an inspiration for modern painting.

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