
TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureERVY-LE-CHATEL (10)

The whole year, the tourism office proposes you to discover the charms of the medieval town during a guided visit of an hour.

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Natural heritage


A part of the villages of Chessy-les-prés, Courtaoult, Les Croutes, Davrey and Ervy-le-Chatel are classified as a natural zone of ecological interest for flora and fauna in Champagne Ardenne.

Spread on 965 hectares, this zone is qualified by the biologists as semi-primitives zone for its rich and varied flora similar to the first meadows thousands years ago : orchis, clovers, aquatic séneçon, lotier, oenanthe...

The Forest of Othe is a remarkable natural border between the Valley of the Armance and the Country of Othe. In the wood of Vosnon (magnificent wash house), on the road to Nogent-en-Othe by the D22, you will discover the Lord of the forest of Othe, the tree of Pied-Cornier (opposite). This oak, older than 500 years, is one of the only trees of national row in the district: his hollow trunk of 5.80m round, 1.85m diameter can contain 5 people.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-de-l-est saint-florentin

Hôtel de l'Est

  • Saint-florentin
  • 03 58 44 90 00

The Mill of Breuil


For about two years, the mill of Breuil, in Chessy-les-près, awakens thanks to the dynamism of its owners, Mr and Mrs Yot.

It will take some years for a complete opening to the public.
The mill of Breuil is situated in the South-West of the district of Aube.

The presence of water characterizes the landscape for a long time.
The history of  the mill of Breuil is relied to the history of the family Yot.

This mill belongs to the family for two hundred year. In 1811, François Yot receives it for his marriage with Adeline Alépée but it is probably older.
In 1968, the last miller of the family, Jean-Marie Yot stops producing bread flour, and continues to produce bran and food for animals up to 1994. Around 1800, the mill property was composed of three buildings. The first building is composed of the mill and of a dwelling.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-de-l-est saint-florentin

Hôtel de l'Est

  • Saint-florentin
  • 03 58 44 90 00

Visit the church of Isle-Aumont


The site of Isle-Aumont is a true treasure of history. The first tracks of the site climb back up the prehistory, then the Gallo-roman period .

One of the first monastery in the region was established in the Merovingian era, as some testify the exposed sarcophagi in the church. The Count Hugues had a castle built there, side issue of which Robert de Molesme has founded a Benedictine priory in 1097.

The site is therefore strongly linked to the history of our city. The church behaves two naves, the first one dates back to the 12th century and corresponds to the priory of Saint-Robert, the other of the 15th and 16th century and was intended for the parishioners. Under the steeple, you can notice the foundations of the church of the 10th century that preceded the priory.

Accommodation nearby

Church Saint-Pierre-ès-Liens


Constructed in the 15th century, the church is half destroyed in 1433 during the "hundred years" war and rebuilt at the end of the 15th century and at begining of the 16th century in the gothic, pre-renaissance and renaissance styles.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-de-l-est saint-florentin

Hôtel de l'Est

  • Saint-florentin
  • 03 58 44 90 00

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