Welcome to monclar de quercy

TopicSciences and discovery

Monclar-de-Quercy is a french town, located in the department of Tarn-et-Garonne and the Midi-Pyrenees area.

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Discover Monclar de Quercy


A gigantic pallet of painter! Here what the close environment of Monclar de Quercy seems to reflect: small city rural, timid and calm in winter and full with effervescence when the first sun rays make flee cities the estivants.

Old city of almost 1000 years of history, this village perched on the last hills of Low Quercy, giving the impression to clutch itself in order not to slip towards the immense Toulouse plain, opens large its arms with all the tourists wishing to combine at the same time the calm and the distraction.

Old strengthened city, Monclar does not have that very few vestiges so much its history were tumultuous formerly. Modern constructions and the lakes forming an arc of circle around the old village with more decayed architecture, make think of the starts-up which reappear at the foot of an old olive-tree to the hollow trunk.

Green hills and arid plates, vain villages and medieval cities, such is contrast that you offers the Canton of Monclar.

Accommodation nearby

etape-du-chateau bruniquel

Etape du Château

  • Bruniquel
  • 05 63 67 25 00

Base leisures in Monclar de Quercy

  • Base of leisures (covered swimming pool, tennis, plays, barbecues)
  • Camp-site of nature Lake and Forest (25 shaded sites)
  • Football stadiums and of Rugby
  • Tennis court - Bowling pitch
  • Cinema and public library
  • Lotto and Village hall (246 m ²)
  • Versatile room Large hall of the lake (1000 m ²)

Accommodation nearby

etape-du-chateau bruniquel

Etape du Château

  • Bruniquel
  • 05 63 67 25 00

Voyage-walk on a charming train


It was once time a small train which, after having courageously worked during many years in a mine of the Cevennes, was condemned by serious and serious Sirs. Time passed…

A beautiful morning of spring, the whistle of the valiant engine, equipped with nine, sang again within the picturesque and accessible framework of the Lakes Monclar, in Bas-Quercy.

Transformed, repaints, the train became a faithful witness of one period when speed no importance had.

Now, small and large taste with the charm of a voyage-walk on this charming train, which took again life and benefits from the many activities of the base of leisures in which it is established.

Accommodation nearby

etape-du-chateau bruniquel

Etape du Château

  • Bruniquel
  • 05 63 67 25 00

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