
TopicSites and museums
DepartureAIGNAN (32)

Aignan is located in the department of Gers and the Middi-Pyrenees area. The city is founded towards the year 620. It is organized later in country house. First capital of Armagnac, Aignan was in the past the seat of the Parliament of Gascogne.

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Church Saint Saturnin


* The Southern gate arranged at the XIInd century, its cornice from top to bottom with checkerwork supported by historiés corbelets and its métopes. Then an archivolt in checkerwork dominating three concentric arcs. On the capital of left, 4 fabulous birds and on that of right-hand side, of the sheets at the top in volute; you can find there, a relationship with Aragonese or Navarrese works.
* The tower and its 35 meters high lantern dominated by a cupola with 8 sides, aujourd' today in tile, formerly tin, has 2 bells installed in 1825. Buttresses: there are of them 3 with the Western frontage, including one enormous of the XIIIrd - XIVth century against the bell-tower. Northern side, there are 2 of them to reinforce the septentrional wall. Another with the East belonged to the enclosure wall of the city which comprised a door of city. Waste-gas mains: one at the top of the large apse, two with the Southern wall (marking the top of the Primitive Romance church) and three Northern side.
Lombardes lines: (bands of weak vertical projection) there is one of them at the base of the northern apse side and three around the southern absidiole. The Northern Sacristy built at the XIXth century.
The baptistry and a boxroom enters the two buttresses of the Western frontage.
The vault Saint Joseph enters the two buttresses of North

Accommodation nearby

hotel-le-relais-de-l-armagnac luppe-violles

Hôtel le Relais de l'Armagnac

  • Luppe-violles
  • 05 62 08 95 22
domaine-d-escapa estipouy

domaine d'escapa

  • Estipouy
  • 05 6 2 59 3 7 51

The Tower of Termes d'Armagnac


Castle of Terms, it remains only the keep and the northern frontage.
It shelters the museum of the Gascon Plume now.
The castle dates roughly from the end of the XIIIrd century or the beginning of the XIVth century. The keep is 36 meters high.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-le-relais-de-l-armagnac luppe-violles

Hôtel le Relais de l'Armagnac

  • Luppe-violles
  • 05 62 08 95 22
domaine-d-escapa estipouy

domaine d'escapa

  • Estipouy
  • 05 6 2 59 3 7 51

The church of Fromentas


 Church of XVth century, located at 3,2 km in the south-east of the center of the village of Aignan.
Church dedicated to Saint-Jacob and is regarded as representative Gothic architecture in Gascogne. With its two equal naves, shared in their medium in the direction length by a gantry of pillars and the vault in palm tree, it deserves the nickname of " Jacobin of Gascogne". The church of the Jacobins of Toulouse is indeed the most remarkable monument of this kind. The current bell-tower, built outwards, against the Western wall is posterior with the building (two bells). Outside, the robust buttresses ridge on the walls and the push of the vault. The church contains an interesting furniture: a crucifixion allotted to Smets, a statue of Saint-Jacob with pilgrim's staff, a furnace bridge and a gate vault.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-le-relais-de-l-armagnac luppe-violles

Hôtel le Relais de l'Armagnac

  • Luppe-violles
  • 05 62 08 95 22
domaine-d-escapa estipouy

domaine d'escapa

  • Estipouy
  • 05 6 2 59 3 7 51

The lake of Aignan


The lake d' Aignan is the ideal place to spend its afternoons to be released on the beach while bronzing, to swim under the monitoring d' an experienced swimming instructor. The lake is in the middle of a forest of 300 hectares, which 180 hectares belong to the Commune. It extends on 4 hectares.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-le-relais-de-l-armagnac luppe-violles

Hôtel le Relais de l'Armagnac

  • Luppe-violles
  • 05 62 08 95 22
domaine-d-escapa estipouy

domaine d'escapa

  • Estipouy
  • 05 6 2 59 3 7 51

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