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Topic | Sites and museums |
Departure | CORBIE (80) |
Details | Corbie is a small town (chief town of canton) located at 15 km, in the East and upstream of Amiens, in the valley of the Somme, crossed by the Channel of the Sum and served by a station. It is also crossed by an arm of Anchors, the Bakery, which joins the Somme channeled just downstream from the lock of Corbie. |

Architectural heritage in Corbie

* The Monumental Door
Also called the Door of the honor this porch was in fact the entry of the Abbey of Corbie.
The remain
ing arcade date of 1750 forming part then of the together encircling the court of the honor allowing to reach the cloister then. Decorated of two statues: the faith, on the left, and the charity which were recently restored following their decapitation during the release of Corbie in 1918.
* The Town hall
This old castle was built in 1862 per M of Caix of St Aymour. In 1923 the city, helped by Charters, repurchases the castle and its gardens.
* Abbey the Saint Pierre
This is the most imposing vestige still visible in Corbie of the Abbey founded into 657 by the Bathilde queen. The Abbey current one 3rd is built on the same site since this foundation, its rebuilding was started in 1502 and was finished in 1740.
* The church St Etienne
The last element, and also oldest, that we can present to you vestiges of the Abbey of Corbie: The church St Etienne, his construction dates from the 12th century, there remains to us currently only the nave of the original church and a splendid tympanum (opened with the public at the time of the days of the inheritance). The tympanum is of exceptional importance for our department, it alas suffered much from the French revolution, all the heads represented having been crossed. It marks the transition between the Romance and Gothic style (12th-13th S.). It represents the crowning of the Virgin by her son Jesus-Christ, in the center of the tympanum, surrounded of the 4 evangelists and the 12 apostles on the curve of the gate.
* The Notre-Dame church of Neuville
Built between the end of the 15th century and the beginning of 16th S., this small parish church did not undergo the affronts of the French revolution as the remainder of the medieval buildings of Corbie.
* The Thabor Mount Corbie underwent throughout its history the invasions which had with its strategic position. At the Middle Ages the city was entirely surrounded by ramparts whose example still remains us behind the Abbey one. The Thabor mount points out to us the episode marking of the history of our city: the head office of Corbie.
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Human heritage in Corbie

* Saint Adhalard
He was Abbé in the Abbey of Corbie twice: from 780 to 815 then from 821 to 826. It took part much in the notoriety of the Abbey, from the fact qu' he is cousin of Charlemagne (what is worth us the possession d' a relic of Saint Pierre). But also by sending some monks to found a " Corbie" news; beyond the rhine in Saxony, close to höxter: the Abbey of Corvey.
* Tales and Legends
Corbie has a very rich oral literature: popular accounts, popular legends, proverbs, blazons, expressions make city a mysterious and malicious region! Among the principal legends " Corbeaux" , " the Wolf and Violoniste" , " the Giant of Corbiois" , " the Bleue" Fountain; … will take you along in a facetious universe.
Many evocations of these accounts at the time of the festivals, spectacles, Festival in the Street, Rando-tale testify a clean identity and d' a single history.
* Sainte Colette
Saint Colette was born in Corbie on February 13, 1381, current Chapelle co. Colette (street Faidherbe) mark besides the site of his native house. His parents wished it a long time but did not manage to have of child. They then requested St Nicolas, patron saint of the children, and hisr mother fell finally pregnant. In thanks with St Nicolas, they prénommèrent their Nicolette daughter. His/her parents died when it was still young, thus the abbot of Corbie, the Count Raoul II of Roye, taken charges with it the Nicolette young person, which then decided, in 1402, of living voluntary recluse. Four years later it left its life of recluse to traverse France, to found 17 monasteries by reforming the orders: Clarisse and Franciscain. She died in Ghent (Belgium) in 1447, and was canonized in 1807. Saint Patronne from town of Corbie.
* Eugene Lefebvre
Born in Corbie in 1878, pioneer of aviation, autodidact. It launches out to the conquest of the airs on board a Wright plane. It marked the history of aviation while being, alas, the first pilot killed with the orders of his apparatus.
* The Picardy Plays
French firstly discovered the plays and benefits of the tradition of the play, which disappeared gradually under the reign from Louis XVI. Only the Picardy ones continued to practise them, thanks to an anticonformist temperament which one finds besides in the character of Ch' Lafleur, hero of Coasting of Amiens. About fifty years ago, the children still practised the traditional plays with leaving the school, while their parents gathered in the coffees to play them too. These plays related to the local inheritance are today of marvellous tools for animations. They are elements of life in the festivals of district, village f4ete where the public is at the same time spectator and actor. This ludic and sporting inheritance does not represent plays of force, but of the tactical plays and address, which support the meetings of all generations and all social categories, in order to share this type of leisure. Some traditional plays:
- play of the plate: one generally plays 2 against 2 there, each player has 7 plates (wood disc). Each one their turn, the participants are placed at an end of a table of 3,20m length on 0,55 m broad and throw the plate beyond the line of the 80cm. The play consists in placing the most plates possible in front of that of the adversary, without making it fall. A part is played in 2 handles of 21 points, and beautiful of 15 points so necessary.
- play of frog: It still was very much used in many coffees it ya a few tens of years. The play consists in launching 10 lead metal discs on a piece of furniture including 12 holes and a frog, the open mouth. You understood it, Picardy has a ludic rich person inheritance whom it is due only to you to discover at the time of many animations and festivals which take place each year.
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Nautural heritage in Corbie

* Ponds of Barette
This natural site, that you can observe since the point of view of co. Colette, is dealt with, maintained, and is emphasized by the association of the Friends of the Ponds of Barette. It also shelters legendary Blue Fontaine
* The point view of Saint Colette
The river which gave its name to our department, takes its source in Aisne, in Fronsommes, and traverses 192km to go to throw itself in the English Channel. This panorama enables you to discover a splendid prospect on the ponds for the valley of the Somme, which adds up more 2000ha the ponds. These ponds are the fruit of a long work, arranged as of the Middle Ages to provide the monks of the Abbey out of fish and inhabitants of peat Corbie (combustible of the modest hearths), which is worth us today a very particular valley. This splendid site is to be discovered in any season.
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Discover the ramparts in Corbie

Fortifications which surrounded Corbie during eight centuries, there remains only the trace of a rampart: the Rampart of the Chestnut trees. The " Tabor" , as for him, is not anymore an element of an interior fence of Abbey. This is in IX century that Francon abbot, large prior of the Abbey, made raise a wall enclosure protected by turns and dig ditches which united the Anchors to the Somme. The monastery and the dwellings grouped around him were thus locked up as in a fortified camp. Currently, only the river of Bakery attests this work of cutting off.
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