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Welcome to the country of montbrun-les-bainsmontbrun-les-bains
Topic | Sciences and discovery |
Departure | MONTBRUN-LES-BAINS (26) |
Details | This is one of most beautiful the village of France which opens its doors to you and its heart but also a thermal spa in full rise which increases to offer new care and services to you. You are in Drome Provençale in the middle of the fields of lavender whose estival emanations will scent your nights, on this ground of scents and light which will be able to satisfy your directions. You are especially in Provence, that of Jean Giono, who lived a few kilometres from Montbrun the Baths, " the haut" , on the plate d' Albion. Between Baronnies, Mountain of Lure and Ventoux Mount, our country is preserved and profits from a climate of most favorable. |

Visit Montbrun-les-Bains

Thermal spa specialized in the treatment of the respiratory tracts, the rhumatology and the cures of back in shape, Montbrun-les-Baths has also the privilege d' to be classified among the 100 more beautiful villages of France. Its high houses, to six or seven levels, supported by buttresses built on the rock and by powerful arcades, the ones stage on the others a such enormous play d' organ and is dominated by the ruined towers of the Renaissance castle of Dupuy-Montbrun.
To visit the historical part of the Village, you still pass by the old doors: that of the Belfry towards the east or the door of Clastre which opens with the foot of the church. In addition to the walk in the oldest street of Montbrun, broadside of very old abundantly flowered houses, and the refreshing visit of the many fountains, three important buildings will hold the attention of the visitor: the Belfry (or turn of the clock) pilot preserved good of the military architecture of the XIII century. This old tower of defense is still equipped with all its warlike attributes: crenels, loopholes and machicolation. It misses just the harrow, whose groove is always visible under the building.
The church which is drawn up above the southern door and whose preparing baroque should not make forget origins much older. Mentioned dice the XIV century, Temple calvinist during the Protestant episode of the village, it was then taken again in hands by the catholic authorities, was transformed, increased and enriched in the taste baroque and the spirit by the council by Thirty. Important work of restoration in 1978 made it possible to update frescos of the end of the Middle Ages and to return their freshness to golds of the retable baroque built around a pretty virgin of Parrocel from which the coat color of time protects, to remember disturbed times it, a beggar and a soldier.
Porte Marie in Montbrun the bainsLes ruins of the Renaissance castle are visible only of outside, the whole of the field being private property. Dimensions of the walls still upright give an idea of the last size of the building. Did the medieval castle having been shaved by order of the King in 1560, Charles Dupuy-Montbrun make build on these ruins (with which means?) a Castle Rebirth which counted among most beautiful of the area and whose unquestionable ceiling would have been painted, later, by Mignard: one there could place “hundred Masters and twenty pages and maintain two hundred horses in the stables…”. This castle of dream knew in 1789 the fate of much of others: given up its occupants, it was sold like national good and finally ruined for the second time.
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Visit Aulan

The small village of Aulan is located at 740m high enters the Mountains of Buc (1442m) and Ubac (1036m), with l' orée of the throats of Toulourenc. Around the castle drew up about thirty houses formerly…
Family castle of Suarez d' Aulan since 1635, it was restored at the XIX century, by the marquis Arthur de Suarez d' Aulan, rider of Napoleon III. Only private residence of Baronnies open to the visit, the castle of Aulan always is inhabited and furnished with memories of family. The guided visit lasts 45 mn, it ends in a showroom (old stable E T reserves for hay of the castle) on 2 levels where the local artists expose during the season of summer.
The church of Aulan which dates from XIIème century, contains a furnace bridge out of wooden carved of Russet-red, also raises large Bernus. It has sudden many rehandling following its ruin in particular with the XIX ème century, it would remain of novel only apse.
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Visit Ferrassières

Village of the XXIII century located at 1000 m high at the edge of the plate of Vaucluse (plate of Albion) surrounded by immense extended of lavenders where rise Ci from there pretty bories. This is the village more in the south of Drome, the borders of the Vaucluse and the Alps of high provence.blason of the village of Ferrassieres Plateau of Albion Its situation, its climate and the purity of the sky make of it a place privileged for those which appreciate wild nature.
Capital of the fine lavender, Ferrassières celebrates the mythical blue flower each year, first Sunday of July. The festival of the lavender marks and the thousand beginning of harvesting of visitors there every year returns to benefit from many animations around the lavender (demonstration of cut to the sickle, manufacture of bouquets, distillation of the essential oil, exposure of old machines to be crossed, gone of Provence…)
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Visit Barret de Lioure

This old perched village, fixed on the mountain vis-a-vis the Ventoux Mount belonged formerly to Baronnie of Mévouillon until the XIII century. It overhangs the valley of Anary and its rock peaks pointing like gigantic menhirs, in the middle of the meadows and of the fields of lavender, with in backdrop all the chain of the Ventoux Mount.
The landscape which surrounds us while going up in Barret and the collar of Macuègne since Montbrun the baths, with in years 60-70, made l' object of the cover of one entitled book " 100 more beautiful turnings of France" and without any doubt the author had made the good choice.
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Stroll with asses

From Boucoule of stroll and excursions with the asses to carry pic-nic or children. To benefit fully from the nature which reveals around you.
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The discovery tours in Montbrun-les-Bains

The VTT in Montbrun les Baths proposes 5 loops with the varied landscapes. All the ingredients are joined together to make circuits of Montbrun the beautiful ones and great excursions VTT.Le pleasure is with go and the images remain engraved forever… We propose circuits to you VTT in free remote loading Bonne road!
- Average circuit 1Niveau, Distance: 7km, Uneven: +100m average time 45 minutes
- Circuit 2 Circuit of average VicNiveau with 2 difficult descents, 10 km,
- Red circuit 3 Categorie, Distance 11,2 km, uneven +330m
- Circuit 4: Difficult ChiletNiveau, 13km, 2:00, uneven: +290 m
- Circuit 5: the Collar of the lake the combe of difficult Arles. Niveau, 18,8 km, durée3h, dénivelé+644 m
But too
- Vtt circuit of VentouretDépart: The Reynard Country cottage; Duration: 2:00; Outdistance: 13.5 km; Level: moyen
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Latest news on : Welcome to the Country of Montbrun-les-BainsMontbrun-les-Bains
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