Discover the ground of sèvre

TopicSciences and discovery

The Tourist office welcome you that inform and advise you so that you pass most pleasant from the stays. We will inform you about the natural lodgings, excursions, sites, the cultural visits and animations of our territory and the neighbourhoods.

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Visit L'Absie


The borough is established at 259 m high, in the crossroads of two secondary roads with great circulation, the RD 949 (a) and the RD 744 but also with the crossing of the old Roman ways. L'Absie welcomes you today, in its pretty flowered borough, by its broad place, its many trade and services.
While going in Absie, you should not miss visiting the Royal Abbey Notre Dame of Absie and its Romance frescos witness of another time and prolonging this moment of Spirituality while strolling in the garden of Abiès. Our friends camp-site-drivers will be able to stop on the place of Absie which places at their disposal of the terminals.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-restaurant-du-lac serigne

Hôtel Restaurant du Lac

  • Serigne
  • 02 51 00 21 21

Discover Chanteloup


Commune located between Bocage and Gâtine, whose renovated borough emphasizes the Church dating from XV century.

Montgolfière Plaisir proposes to you to discover this fabulous bocage landscape and its patrimonial treasures, on board Pompadour, seen sky.

Chanteloup is rich in an important inheritance: castle of the Etrie builds at the beginning XIX century, old seigniories: the window and its Vault Saint Andre. Lavaud and Timarière, manors with grosses towers of granite.

Accommodation nearby

International center Nature and Fishing "Pescalis"


A hundred hectares of water in ponds specialized to practise fishing in No Kill are offered to you that you are fishing beginning or professional to practise all the techniques of fishing out of fresh water.

This is the ideal place for leuurrer of fish in full health and ressourcer between friends or in family in the middle of a generous and luxuriant nature. Many formulas fishes and of the products dependent on these techniques are proposed to you. You can also initiate you or improve you while following a course with a specialized guide.

In the Watery World of Pescalis, you will discover the largest aquarium of the fresh water of Poitou-Chanrentes presenting more than 25 European species.

Following this visit, you will borrow the path of the ponds to discover the richnesses of nature. Breathe and observe…

The lovers with the life to the great outdoors will be filled by this natural space with open sky to listen to the closed eyes.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-restaurant-du-lac serigne

Hôtel Restaurant du Lac

  • Serigne
  • 02 51 00 21 21

The hiking tours


The Touriste Office proposes hiking roads to you:

  • Circuit of the Paradise (Breuil-Bernard-9km)
  • Circuit of Chouans (Chanteloup-8km)
  • Circuit of the Wood of Gâts (Vault St Etienne-7km)
  • Circuit of the Crosses (Vault St Laurent-5km) & Circuit of the Inner Loop (6km)
  • Circuit of the Ponds (Vault St Laurent-14km)
  • Circuit of the Large Villages (Clessé-8km)
  • Circuit of the Mills (Clessé-11km)
  • Circuit of the Garden of Chirons (Largeasse-5.5km)
  • Circuit of Cut-Throat (Moutiers/Chantemerle-6km)
  • Circuit of Large Fion (Moutiers/Chantemerle-10.5km)
  • Circuit of the Hills of Gâtine (St Paul in Gâtine-12km)

Accommodation nearby

hotel-restaurant-du-lac serigne

Hôtel Restaurant du Lac

  • Serigne
  • 02 51 00 21 21

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