Welcome to arnac-la-poste

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureARNAC-LA-POSTE (87)

Arnac-la-Poste is a commune located in the Haute-Vienne department in the region of Limousin.

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Visit Arnac-la-Poste


Arnac-la-Poste is a small commune located in the north of the Haute-Vienne department. This town has the best examples of fortified churches in the north of the department with Saint-Martial church dating from the 12th century and fortified in the 15th century.

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Montmagner former post office


Montagner former post office located on the Paris-Toulouse road was the Tabellion's house belonging to the community of Saint-Maximin priests from Magnac-Laval.

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The tower of Lubignac


This tower is located in Lubignac and is a vestige from the feudal castle in the commune of Arnac-la-Poste.

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