- > Museums France
- > Limousin
- > Haute-Vienne
- > Bessines-sur-gartempe
- > Urêka
The museum Urêka is located in an old French uranium mine .
Opened in July 2013, the interactive museum tells the history of the nuclear industry through uranium mining , processing ore or radioactive waste. *
The museum also offers a 3D movie that explains the scientific discoveries through the use of uranium. Part of the museum also presents instead of uranium today.
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Latest news onUrêka
Opening hours
From 25th April to 10th May and 17th October to 1st November : open daily from 2.30 pm to 6pm
Adults: € 7
Child : € 5
Tourism near

- 3 Museum

Sciences and discovery

Sites and museums

Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km